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>>Anonymous  24aug2023(th)03:17  No.99471  OP  P1
new covid variant is cover for vax deaths

what is happening is the vaxxed are finally dying off and the governments will simply claim their deaths are because of a "new covid variant". It is the vaccine that is killing people. And they will enforce new lockdowns, and more vaccines, which will kill even more people.

The vaccine is what is killing people. This new "covid variant" is simply to cover up the vax deaths and instead blame them on this fake new covid wave.

The next lockdowns won't end, since the vax deaths will continue increasing. The end of the modern world is coming. The new world order awaits.

If you took the vaccine already, then get right with God, now.

>>Anonymous  24aug2023(th)16:46  No.99473  A  P2
Cool story, bro.
>>Anonymous  25sep2023(mo)15:51  No.99711  B  P3R1
the median age of europeans is higher, that means they have higher proportion of elder people in population, Nearly 9 out of 10 covid deaths are people over 65, so this explains all. without vaccines the deaths by covid could be higher in developed countries.
>>Joshex  22oct2023(su)00:53  No.99985  C  P4R2
except they are not vaccines. China of all places has an actual covid vaccine, they literally take cut up peices of the virus itself and that kills the virus, then they inject you with it so your cells can learn to dispose of it. that's an actual vaccine.

as far as I know everyother country is using a genetic modification drug. even if it's temporary, it's still a gene modifier. it's not actually a vaccine by the meaning of the word. They inject your body with the DNA of the actual spike protien of the virus's shell which causes your cells to grow these spikes. their idea was that it'd train your body's white blood cells to be able to attack that spike shape without exposure to the virus, however after their public testing was concluded in march of this year, the results were that it's roughly even.

vaccine or not the same number of people got the virus, the same number of people reported the same level of severity and duration of symptoms, the same number of deaths in both groups occurred vaccine or not. which means their hypothesis that their drug would train the human body to respond to the virus was false. Their experiment was a failure, it produced no beneficial results.

it did however produce side effects. some which were fatal immediately, others which may be fatal in the long run.

what they observed is that some people's cells were not keeping the mRNA separate from the DNA and were actually incorporating it in all cells permanently.

some others were shedding the mRNA and at different speeds.

some were unlucky, Yahweha Yeshu rest their souls, that their cells tried to add the mRNA directly to their DNA chain and there was a terrible DNA conflict causing a breakdown of their DNA and ultimately, death instantly.

some people though the DNA modifier was applied correctly, had small viens and partial blood-clots from built up fats and such(which if left alone probably would have been years before they had issues, and might have actually righted themselves), the spikes ended up causing their cells to stick together at these partial clots and block passage of blood which led to immediate death from strokes and heart failure.

the geene modifier drugs had a problem which stopped them from working as designed, white bloodcells ONLY attack cells that are harmful, or that are dead and need to be escorted out, what this meant is that by placing the spikes on living body cells, 1: they were not attackign anything so the white bloodcells ignored them, 2 they were not dead so they did nto have to be removed, so again the white bloodcells ignored them, and 3: the white bloodcells themselves got the spikes which made their jobs harder because some were literally unable to open to surround infectious agents because the spikes were like hooked teeth keeping them shut. This all resulted in the white blood cells not targetting that shape at all unlil they encountered an actual harmful organism with that shape. hence no effect. a complete and utter failure of a chemical. it does not treat covid in the slightest.

meanwhile, I have never had the vaccine and have never had covid. I have a natural immunity to it and am generally cautious and clean. I do not mask up, but I be careful to avoid large crowds and not just for covid reasons, and if someone is coughing, I get out of there as soon as possible and give them a dirty look if they don't know how to cover it or not cough on people. that and my blood type is more resistant to covid. I don't have the stuff covid needs to attack my cells. oh and I use listerine on anything I do get. usually gone in a day or 2.

yes you can pour listerine down your nose holes, yes it's not pleasant, but it'll immediately kill anything that was in there. if you snort it you can kill things that got into your sinuses as well. it also immediately unclogs your nose and kills anything attacking your sinuses from the inside. oh and no side effects. but yeah only use it if you need to, it's not pleasant and because it's using alcohol, you could get alcohol poisoning if done too frequently.

but yeah the vaccine did nothing except hurt people. if you got away unscathed, lucky you. but be careful because next time you might not get away without issues.

>>Joshex  22nov2023(we)07:22  No.100193  C  P5 005/pdf/molecules-27-05405.pdf

if you are vaxxed, there's hope. you can get innoculated with this specific bacteria and it'll help you shed the spikes.

however, this bacteria may actually be the best medicine for preventing covid infection. so it's better than the vaccines.
Created: 24/8 -2023 03:17:15 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:09 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:03:02