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>>Anonymous  21jan2014(tu)07:44  No.9298  OP  P1
can you...

can you put a list of related flashes on the side of the page like youtube has for its videos?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  23jan2014(th)23:09  No.9310  SWF  P2R1
I've been thinking about it before but I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, especially if I want it to not take up too much of the server's resources.

An easy way would be to check for flashes that are named similary. For example if you view "blabla01.swf" a suggestion of "blabla02.swf" and ""blabla03.swf" could show. Problem is that those flashes could be completely different than the flash you are watching , they might just be named similar.

A different approach would be to check what other people has watched that has also watched the flash that you are watching. If someone is watching all flashes made by ArtistName2000 it could be possible that you want to do that as well. Problem then is of course that most people are watching all kinds of flashes in a visit so it's pretty much random if someoe watches two flashes that are similar to each other.

It's also possible to let visitors suggest suggestions so that people that know about similar flashes can help other people to find what they want. Naturally this only works on a perfect Interet where people are both willing and not trolls, or if I implement some kind of trust system with identities/logins.

There are issues with giving suggestions for related flashes for sure but I'd like to have it eventually.

>>Anonymous  28jan2014(tu)03:43  No.9335  OP  P3R2
Ok, thanks for the response. I assumed the flashes were already tagged/categorized. Didn't know they were all unsorted. Good luck if you decide to do it in the future.
Created: 21/1 -2014 07:44:01 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:48 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:19:30