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>>Joshex  9nov2023(th)00:57  No.100115  OP  P1
Other Game Formats

Sacreliege! Incorporated time.

So there is no doubt this channel is meant for flash related things.

but, what if I as a game dev should make a game in another format (in example: blender 3D, which I actually do a lot of work in.), say I uploaded it somewhere else, could I link to it here? and if so where? /disc/?

or is it pretty much forbidden?

>>Anonymous  10nov2023(fr)18:26  No.100121  A  P2R1
i wanted to archive online browser flash games in the past but technically is not possible. unfortunately the browser online games have terminated forever and its no other way to replay these games
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  11nov2023(sa)01:32  No.100122  SWF  P3R2
You can link to it in this thread if you want to, assuming it's not a product that people need to purchase. The site has a rule against advertising, but I think people promoting their own not-paywalled stuff in this 1 thread can be fine.

/disc/ isn't strictly just for flash discussion but I would prefer it if people don't start making threads for their own projects since that would probably just make a bunch of 0-reply-threads that almost nobody would go into. Realistically the board doesn't have high enough traffic to worry about an excessive amount of project threads but if there's 1 bigger thread that links to many different projects people might enter it and scroll through.

I'll change the thread's title later to The Project Thread or something if it actually gets a link to somebody's project. Note to everybody reading this: Please only link to your own projects that are not behind a paywall.
Created: 9/11 -2023 00:57:10 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:25 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:07:54