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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

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Age: 426.64d   Health: 100%   Posters: 3   Posts: 7   Replies: 5   Files: 0

>>jacky rai fan  10jan2024(we)19:48  No.100710  OP  P1
How do I upload a working swf file here?

I've tried to do this multiple times, but outcome is always just completely non-functional with a blank image. I'm still new to concept. What am I doing wrong? Please let me know.

>>Anonymous  10jan2024(we)23:36  No.100712  A  P2R1
Post it on the relevant board: /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/
After a while, the swf shows up in the archive.
>>Anonymous  10jan2024(we)23:38  No.100713  A  P3
And if you want to post something larger than 70 MiB, you could post a direct link to a thread of the swf hosted on one of them pomf clones and the system would pick it up and add it to the archive. I am not sure if this still works.
>>jacky rai fan  11jan2024(th)03:12  No.100714  OP  P4R2
Would work for this? Also I should have brought this up in the first place, but what board would be relevant for one of Jackurai's old flash content that is taken off deviantart?
>>Anonymous  11jan2024(th)04:28  No.100715  A  P5R3
I believe is what I used in the past and it worked, but again, this should only be necessary if the upload is over 70 MiB.
Pornographic content goes on /fap/.

If your SWF fails to work after uploaded, it's possible it may be a launcher that's supposed to load other local SWF files, or it has some form of copy protection.

>>Anonymous  11jan2024(th)19:58  No.100718  B  P6R4
Yay, more jackurai garbage for the archive.
Jokes besides, what you describe can be a multitude of problems from a multitude of angles, read: you didn't supply enough information.

Are you trying to upload single swf files to this board here?
Go to a directory like >>100712 and upload it there. If it doesn't work it should give you an error as to why.
Did the file upload and just doesn't work then?
Could be you use ruffle and it does't support that flash. But it did land fine in the archive.
You used flash and it still does nothing?
Could be that you just posted a blank preloader from a multifile that needs many swfs in the same folder.
Those don't work when uploaded. You may still post them to save them in the archive, but unless you download all of them and put them in the correct folders, it won't load the flash.
Did you try the file offline? Does it even work? Maybe it's a broken file alltogether?

Swfchan doesn't even go through the upload right? Maybe it's a problem with your browser or ad/scriptblocker.

>>jacky rai fan  13jan2024(sa)18:55  No.100740  OP  P7R5
Okay, found some things out

Good news: Ruffle can play this

Bad news: Any word bubbles are blank during gameplay. No text in them.

Is there even a way to solve this?
Created: 10/1 -2024 19:48:03 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:09 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:15:32