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Age: 386d   Health: 100%   Posters: 8   Posts: 11   Replies: 10   Files: 0

>>Anonymous  20feb2024(tu)11:49  No.100945  OP  P1
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for having such a well structured, easy to search, informative, functioning, and huge flash archive publicly available. And of course, a still running one! Keep it up! This is an unbelieviably long memory street. For some SWFs, this is now the very last page to have them.

Just please pinky promise that if anything ever happens to this site, there will be a SWF torrent along with the backend source.

>>Anonymous  21feb2024(we)16:36  No.100956  A  P2R1

>>Anonymous  21feb2024(we)19:28  No.100963  B  P3R2
Absolutely seconded. Ants is a great paragon of culture and gentleman to all of humankind.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  23feb2024(fr)15:22  No.100975  SWF  P4R3
Thanks for the nice words fellas
>>Anonymous  27feb2024(tu)19:01  No.101003  D  P5R4
A torrent website for SWFs is a nice idea, however such site probably should generate .torrent files by user's request.

Let's say, you picked both parts of goth Reiko mod, dilogy of Xeno Tactic games and also mp4-to-swf converted "This is Sparta! Last techno remix" video. Then, you ask the website to pack the needed files into an archive of chosen format, give you a .torrent file to download the archive and done.

Tell me if it can't be done with torrents technology or is too expensive to be a non-commercial thing.

>>Anonymous  27feb2024(tu)23:07  No.101007  B  P6R5
Idk but Ants did say in the past he doesn't want to consider mass (torrent) downloads from the archive with things as is.
Only way is to GET single files.
>>Anonymous  28feb2024(we)12:42  No.101016  E  P7R6
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  1mar2024(fr)15:47  No.101036  SWF  P8R7
Unless I get hit by a bus (or something else happens that unexpectedly prevents me from doing what I want) I intend to make a static torrent of the archive if I ever decide to shut down the site. And make an effort to ensure it is seeded for as long as possible (hopefully InternetArchive could take a copy of it).

The swf files will have the most popular seen name, maybe with the second most popular in parenthesis unless redundant. They would be put into one of five folders: Porn/Games/Loops/Other/Uncategorized - no duplicate files, in case of category overlap it'll be put into the first suitable folder going left to right. There will probably also be some kind of preserved metadata index even if it's just html files that people can CTRL+F to search in. The threads could be dumped to html and zipped, the .zip placed next to the .swf file with the same name except the extension (probably better to use .zip for added compatibility with programs capable of searching within file content stored inside .zip files even if 7-Zip archives would compress to a smaller size, but that decision is for a later time).

All of this can of course change over the years, as all things in life, but that's my thoughts right now (and has been my thoughts for several years, I've mentioned it in a thread before). Of course current me don't plan to ever actually shut down the site.

>>Anonymous  1mar2024(fr)19:24  No.101039  F  P9R8
>>The vorpal blade went snicker-snack  2mar2024(sa)12:20  No.101049  G  P10R9
One thing that seems neglected on swfchan is its Internet crawl data.
There is an abundance of flashes that it has found several times and with different names on boorus, Newgrounds etc. but not on any imageboards, hence they are WIKI:0 and the only info I have to go off of is the filenames and found date.
I'm sometimes kind of frustrated that it can't show me where and when it found a flash. A booru link, if still active, could tell me the author of a flash if it isn't already included in the extremely long name, or take me to other discussions of it.
In any case, that information shouldn't disappear just because only the "most popular filename" of a file was kept.
Oh, the category/poll data for flashes is also notable.

Before dumping into HTML, consider sharing database dumps or excerpts. They are more data-dense, don't lose information from any encoding mishaps or forgetting to expose any data in the HTML report or such, nor do they need to be parsed back into a database for access speed or larger processing tasks.

(posting attempt #2)

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  3mar2024(su)18:01  No.101057  SWF  P11R10
It's true that a lot of information is in the alternative filenames, tags discovered on the scraped web pages hosting the flash file itself was usually appended to the end of its filename to help with searching here on swfchan (those types of sites usually didn't preserve the original swf names anyway). So some kind of dump of all file names must be a part of the metadata inside the potential future torrent.
Created: 20/2 -2024 11:49:12 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:43:16 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:44:00