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>>PhoneJack  11apr2024(th)15:24  No.101292  OP  P1
Apks not compatible with newer phones

Hello, long time user with a new phone here. But firstly, great site that allows downloads of Flash and APKs like Flipline Studios or Sift Heads, zone even.

But considering the new phone, all apks Ive got are now uncompatible with the current Android.

Although I did have an Samsung A12 2020 that got a few games run smoothly. Just thought an A35 will be more optimized, but rather seems everything from Services APKs are old(?) that it wont even install anymore.

Is there a quick fix for this? Or do I have to do a deep dive on the app to change it's API detail?

>>Anonymous  15apr2024(mo)16:09  No.101315  A  P2R1
Might want to start by telling us which version of Android you used before where it worked and what you're on now, where it doesn't work anymore.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  16apr2024(tu)07:04  No.101316  SWF  P3R2
Unfortunately Android has started to require apps to have a certain API target. ments/target-sdk
Old apps that use an API two years older than the newest one will become unavailable for new users to install. eloper/answer/11917020

Had hoped it only applied to downloading/uploading on the marketplace but if it doesn't work for you I guess it also applies to outside the market. Can you get it to work if you disable "Google Play Protect" on your phone? 853

I haven't got access to a new Android device yet but even if I could get the site to generate APKs with compatible APIs the Adobe AIR app that they depend on will remain outdated forever and if that can't be installed the flash apps won't work. Perhaps this is the end of the road for the APK service? If you get it to work please let me know. Android shutting down old apps like this really makes me appreciate the efforts for backwards compatibility on Windows. Having to keep updating apps on Android every 2 years just to freshen up some behind-the-scenes API is nuts... Security is always the excuse, isn't it?

>>PhoneJack  17apr2024(we)17:17  No.101318  OP  P4R3
Android Versions


Considering I got the A12 by early 2020, its Version 10, worked with every apk, even updated to 11 even.

With the A35, thats Version 14, and from what Admin said, API targetting made the apks obsolete as their API Level were only 11-12ish, whilst Version 14 now requires APIs up to Level 33 to 34

>>PhoneJack  17apr2024(we)18:52  No.101319  OP  P5


Going through your suggestions, none worked. I guess its this is a wall for mobile users.
Created: 11/4 -2024 15:24:49 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:42:37 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:57:06