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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

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>>Anonymous  4jul2024(th)14:19  No.101894  OP  P1
Unable to load any flash pages

Every time I try to load a page on this site in Chrome, it throws an error in a ruffle window. Even just trying to load a wiki page for a file, it does the same, tries to open a flash file, gives me nothing.

"Ruffle cannot parse the requested file."

Using Firefox seems fine, Chrome is busted.

Even if I completely disable ruffle on my end and restart the browser, cookies gone, I get the same thing.

Not sure if I'm missing something with a recent update, or something is just fundamentally broken in Chrome. but I've basically been locked out of any files now for almost a month.

>>Anonymous  5jul2024(fr)19:08  No.101896  A  P2R1
There're alternatives for ruffle in the meantime. You might want to download/open with flash projector.
>>Joshex  6jul2024(sa)16:48  No.101905  B  P3R2
I blame google. you should too.

I use FF 51.0 for flash content and Flashplayer 31 (set in firefox's internal settings to be flashplayer 33 so it wont complain that it's outdated.)

chrome is only for sites that wont load in FF 51, and only if I really need to load them for some reason. so yeah, all those no name websites that updated to googletml, I see a white page, or a shimmering div that does nothing and a slew of scripts from shady sources in noscript and say "I don't actually need to use this site" [x]
Created: 4/7 -2024 14:19:51 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:21 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:29:30