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>>Anonymous  29nov2024(fr)17:59  No.102959  OP  P1
New captcha

Is there any chance to implement DOOM-based captcha that requires matching gun sprite with demon sprite? I just feel sick of this annoying captcha when you have to guess is that letter O or letter Q, or maybe even a zero...

>>Anonymous  29nov2024(fr)18:08  No.102960  A  P2R1
It is a custom made captcha and therefore way better in many ways than any pre-built captcha service, or god beware gaygle captcha.
Imo it' easy enough, rarely do I ever get a captcha that's not solvable immediately and if yo're stuck it will change after a few tries.

Also I think Ants did implement SOME amount of ease of use, like making it irrelevant if you type 0 or O on both of these character etc.
Having to fiddle around with mouse clicks is way more time consuming in my experience, but hey, I'd be open for a test.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  30nov2024(sa)03:47  No.102961  SWF  P3R2
Hm, how about clicking some traffic lights?
>>Anonymous  30nov2024(sa)18:18  No.102962  OP  P4R3
That sometimes is even more annoying than the one we have now to me. Maybe you'll just make the generator put thinner lines or make the text window itself and letters in it larger, so I could see it better and be more sure what to type?
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  30nov2024(sa)19:51  No.102963  SWF  P5R4
Was only joking, I've at least made Q and O work like they are the same character. To improve visibility the captcha will now become enlarged if you hover your mouse over it.

>>Anonymous  2dec2024(mo)09:31  No.102978  OP  P6R5
Well, that's something. Many thanks!
>>Anonymous  2dec2024(mo)16:19  No.102981  A  P7R6
please god, no >-<

awesomesaucee 👍
Created: 29/11 -2024 17:59:10 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:04 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:39:29