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>>Harbinger  14apr2011(th)19:32  No.1040  OP  P1
SWFChan tech.

I'm considering adding a system to my existing website that thumbnails SWFs. However, the only way that appears to be viable is to start up a browser from the application server and take a picture of the SWF while it runs. My server is headless (I.E. it barely has the ability to run a desktop, and I turned that off to save resources), so that isn't a possibility.

I've looked at Ming, but that only creates swfs. ffmpeg-php is a possibility, but it only handles embedded FLVs. I'm running out of options.

How does SWFchan make snapshots of their flash movies?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  15apr2011(fr)16:30  No.1042  SWF  P2R1
Sorry mate, trade secret.

Hehe, just kidding. I'm actually using a very old dll file that I got licensed to me years ago to use on a old version of (one of my other sites). In those days I had the first flash site online that actually automated the screenshots, of course that was just from my own observations (I couldn't find any other swf site that had screenshots that the users/admin didn't have to take and upload manually).

I can't recall where I got it from however, 5-7 years ago I got it... But it was for free, one only had to contact them to get his personal license a day later. Should turn up as a result if you search around a few minutes I suppose, these days there should be lots of alternatives. The dll solution I have isn't perfect as can be seen from many blank screenshots around the site, I've been meaning to program my own screen-shotting solution but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

>>Sazpaimon  15apr2011(fr)18:26  No.1043  B  P3R2
I had to do something like this for 7chan. I figured SWFchan used some windows only solution, so I wrote a quick project in Flex that would take a flash file via flashvars, grab the number of frames, divide it by 2, and output the frame to the canvas as BitmapData. When an swf file is uploaded, it runs a shell script spawns the standalone linux flashplayer in a Xvfb server, takes a screenshot and crops out all the unimportant stuff using Imagemagick.

Unfortunately it suffers the same limitation as swfchan: if a movie is pure actionscript this method won't work because these movies typically have only 1 or 2 frames, neither of which have any usable data that can be converted into BitmapData.

Another option, if the above fails, is to take the swf, play it for x amount of seconds, then take a screenshot. This should help for the many cases where depending on framecount won't work.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  16apr2011(sa)08:55  No.1048  SWF  P4R3
Neat! I hadn't noticed that 7chan now has screenshots for its flash files. Looking stylish.

The solution I have in my head involves your last line. Was thinking of letting the flash file actually startup in memory and then seek to various places for the screenshots without unloading it, which will produce better results than jumping directly to a frame in the time line, take a screen, quit, and repeat. It should be fail-safe except maybe for a few rare ActionScript frames that could get stuck in an endless loop, but then it's just a matter to take another frame or fallback on the old dll.

>>Anonymous  31may2020(su)10:02  No.77364  C  P5R4
Did anyone found better method of doing this in the last 9 years?
>>Anonymous  6jun2020(sa)01:32  No.77469  C  P6
I found that ruffle emulator has exporter tool
But it needs hardware acceleration.
I wonder if such tool could be created for lightspark.
Created: 14/4 -2011 19:32:34 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:12 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:11:44