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>>Aedako  8oct2014(we)08:54  No.15330  OP  P1
Flashbulb / yt2swf

I'm developing a program for in-place modification of swf files ( If you've been paying attention to the new file uploads for the last week or so, you may have noticed a number of IOSYS animations with glitching and artistic effects applied to them -- as I've been creating new features I've been uploading them to 4chan to see what kind of reaction they get.

I consider swfchan to be a valuable service and respect your opinion, so as I've been working on this I've been wondering how you feel about your database being flooded with my edits. If you'd rather not index my test files, I can make it so Flashbulb sets some kind of flag in a Metadata or DefineBinaryData tag at the top of the file so you can detect them. It's just me making these files at the moment, but you might be seeing more if Flashbulb gains any popularity.

On an unrelated note, I also made a web app which creates swf files from YouTube links that stream the videos directly from YouTube ( The opinion on 4chan was strongly against it (even though /f/ is a de facto video sharing board at this point), though I've seen a few people adopting it. I was thinking if it was used more often in place of video rips, you'd save a substantial amount of disk space. The caveat is that they will eventually break when the video is invariably deleted from YouTube, but IMO video rips rarely have any content that's seriously worth archiving. The benefits are longer, high quality videos and an in-file link to the source information.

If you're interested you can have a copy of it to use on swfchan -- I threw it together in less than an hour so I'm not concerned about any intellectual rights to it. It's PHP-based.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  8oct2014(we)17:37  No.15334  SWF  P2R1
It's nice to see someone developting tools for the swf format! I don't think swf will ever be gone but a lot of people seem to consider it a "dying format" indeed so it's nice that new tools are being developed. These negative people seem to be those that never actually made a swf themselves though and fail to see how fantastic the swf format is for the web, they just don't want to have to install a plugin for their browser. It saddens me everytime I see a swf converted to a video on YouTube without the author releasing the original swf file. Flash has infinite resolution at a much smaller size than any video could ever compete with, plus scripting possibilities for interactive/random stuff.

I don't worry too much about the database being flooded with edits, as long as the edits have noticable differences it's all good. Strangely enough I don't think anyone has ever bothered to create a bunch of similar junk flashes that are exactly the same except for the x-position of some MovieClip or something, just to spam swfchan with useless content. Hopefully that won't happen in the future either.

You could put something in the flash to make it identifiable by the system just in case it's ever needed, I won't be filtering any flashes by it but on the day it's needed it would be nice that it's there. Maybe put a little something in both Metadata and DefineBinaryData so it's harder to remove with other programs.

Gotta tell you that I'm not a big fan of swf files that embed outside content. I always say that flashes should be self contained and not reliable on anything external except the flash player itself. Such a easy to use YouTube-embedder have the potential to really clutter up the board with a bunch of swfs that will break eventually (quite often within a year even due to increasing music copyright claims on YouTube). To me embedded videos have a certain charm in their low quality and it also serves as a sort of quality control (content-wise) since someone have to take the time to resize, adapt and convert the video if they want it in a swf file. Meaning he must really feel it's worth all that trouble just to share it. If it got too easy to share videos on /f/ there's the risk of everyone sharing stuff that might not even be that good. That's why I never built such a service myself. Then again it doesn't seem to be a serious problem as of yet. Question is if it's because people simply don't want swfs with linked videos or if it's because they don't know the tool exist.

I could have a copy of the php but I'll just look at it to see how it's done since that stuff is always interesting. I won't put it online on swfchan (or spread it anywhere else).

Btw I'm assuming you're the one that made the ppppu edit where the body parts get randomized? That gave me a chuckle! Also on the topic of Flashbulb, the main purpose of the program is to replace or switch around content in it, right? A quick feature that scans ActionScript for any checks of the domain and replaces it with true (or false if the "if"-condition was !=) would be handy if anyone want to fix flashes that are domain locked. ;) Adds some additional value to the program and might make it more popular if that feature is easy to use.

>>Aedako  9oct2014(th)08:58  No.15345  OP  P3R2
I sent yt2swf to your Yahoo account.

Yep, the randomized body parts was me. I'm also responsible for: (removed penis) (as above, added music) (removed penis) Homo.swf (removed penis with comical results) (yt2swf, the entire movie of The Dark Crystal in high quality)
* lt.swf (swapped images and sfx) (removed penis) (as above, removed bg)
* (added music/sfx and removed two limbs (and one was a leg)) (yt2swf) (removed everything except for the background and music in an act of self-satire) (image swap, was making fun of the 8chan spammers and got banned for three days for it) (retooled an unrelated file to display an image+music because I don't actually have a copy of Flash...trying to tell the 8chan spammers to knock it off, was banned for a week for advertising) E%CD%A5%CD%9D%CD%85%CC%AF%CC%B3%CD%89%CC%AB%CD%88% CC%ADm%CD%A6%CD%A7%CC%9A%CD%9B%CC%80%CC%A8%CC%A3i% CC%A2%CC%AE%CC%B9%CD%99l%CD%86%CC%84%CD%92%CC%8C%C D%97%CD%A2%CD%85%CD%85%CC%99%CC%99%CC%A0e%CC%BD%CD %A0%CD%89%CC%99%CD%99%CD%93%CC%9C%CC%9F%CC%AD.swf (video corruption) (glitch) (glitch)[S]+Jade+-+Trip+Balls.swf (glitch, not very good) (the randomized ppppu one) f (glitch) lity%29.swf (video corruption) e+quality%29.swf (video corruption, mostly same as above) (glitch) id.swf (random colors) (grayscale, some colors left in because I hadn't figured out how to get rid of them yet) (color swap) (color swap) (random colors) (inverted colors plus a couple of sprite changes) (grayscale w/red left in) (green vector, some colors left in because I hadn't fixed that problem yet) (rotoscope) (Gameboy colors) (same as above, downsampled the music but realized that it didn't play all the way through after uploading it) (same as above, but with added glitches (the point where I said "screw it")) (same as above, but now glitched with sprites from other files to make fun of the people who thought it was glitched on accident) (combined with Marisa Stole the Precious Thing) (changed date to OVA release) (a half dozen or more files haphazardly merged together) (green vector, finally got rid of those pesky stray colors) ng.swf (random colors) several that haven't made their way to swfchan, and however many I'm forgetting. Which is why I kind of feel like I'm spamming swfchan.

Filtering Actionscript for domain checks is a good idea. I have an Actionscript 1&2 decompiler/compiler in the works, but it's buggy right now...I haven't touched Actionscript 3 other than to allow edits to the constant pool. Makes me envy the nice, clean code decompiled by swfchan. I'll try to put that in once that part of the program is in a more stable state.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  10oct2014(fr)01:39  No.15350  SWF  P4R3
You've been playing around a lot with that!

>why I kind of feel like I'm spamming swfchan
Don't worry about that, it's just drops in an ocean of flashes.

>several that haven't made their way to swfchan
This sounds alarming, did you post them on /f/? If swfchan is missing out on archiving stuff it's something that I need to look into. How many flashes are missing? If it's just one or two that you posted after each other it's possible that swfchan was simply down when you posted them but if it's many I need to fix stuff asap.

>have an Actionscript 1&2 decompiler/compiler in the works
What I recommend is to not write that yourself, far too much work for something that might turn out unstable and could break in future updates of flash. Better to use one by dedicated people in that area: ffdec ( It's from what I know the best free swf decompiler out there. Supports command-line decompiling of ActionScript 3 and it's still being updated, which is remarkable these days (many swf tools stopped being updated a long time ago).

>envy the nice, clean code decompiled by swfchan
You mean the script on the info pages for the flashes? Hehe, I still use an old solution that can't even recognize ActionScript 3 (because it didn't exist yet in those days). I just parse and clean up the AS2 that the program can extract from the swf files to make it more presentable. I've been meaning to upgrade to ffdec for a long time but haven't had the motivation to do so yet... On the day it finally happens it means over 150k flashes need to be decompiled once again. Going to take some time.

>>Aedako  10oct2014(fr)03:26  No.15360  OP  P5R4
Heh, it looks like ffdec does everything I'm trying to do with Flashbulb but better. I probably should have looked around a bit more before starting the project. Flashbulb does seem better suited to moving things between different files and is more closely tied to the actual structure of the file though. As far as the decompiler, as a general design philosophy I'm extremely reluctant to use third-party components, but Actionscript is big enough of a headache that I might go with that. Thank you for pointing it out.

I was under the impression that you had started to decompile files with Actionscript 3. I've actually used swfchan to figure out the passwords for a couple of AS3 games: %28Interactive+Flash%29+by+illionore.swf and _game__by_illionore-d7r3lrv.swf .

The files I've made that haven't been indexed by swfchan were uploaded to 7chan's /fl/ (plus several I haven't uploaded anywhere yet). I think you have 100% of the ones uploaded to 4chan.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  10oct2014(fr)07:36  No.15373  SWF  P6R5
As long as Flashbulb offers something that ffdec doesn't have it'll still have its use for some people though!

I too usually are reluctant to using third party stuff (God knows where that code's been) but the older I get the more precious time gets and using other people's code is a good time saver. "Building upon the shoulders of giants" etc. One man can never do everything these days (can't both build the compiler and make an awesome utility program for example), the best way of making something good in a reasonable timeframe is to make the best use of what resources there already is.

Oh yeah, I remember now. AS3 is supported but not fully, there was an update around when the site launched. Some swf files have their AS3 script extracted successfully but many haven't. ffdec will fix that when the day comes. It's been so long since I fiddled with certain parts of the site that I'm starting to forget details about them. ^^;

>I think you have 100% of the ones uploaded to 4chan.
Phew, good. It's been a long while since I did a scan of 7chan now, I should get around to it. Actually what I should do is automate a scan over there, even if the threads aren't archived at least the flashes should be.

>>Anonymous  20oct2014(mo)17:12  No.15704  B  P7R6
Hello, I was wandering around and thinking why your site isn't working. It's not working only for me or you were afraid anons couldn't contain the power of yt rips? Anyway, I think that this is program is great feature. And saying that this will stop the creativity and making original flashes with Action Script misses the point for me. There are flash artists and reuploaders and this just serve as convenient tool for this second group. The only thing that is necessary in my opinion (if you ever release the program for public again) is that, those yt embeds shouldn't be archived here, since youtube videos aren't type of stable content (as Mr. Admin mentioned here).
>>Anonymous  22oct2014(we)19:02  No.15726  C  P8R7
would be quite the hassle and there's no guarantee that they can be not archived, you can't just keep out a "sort" of flash from detection
>>Anonymous  22oct2014(we)20:04  No.15732  B  P9R8
Maybe if dev of this application would collaborate with admin of sfchan, he could add some sort of checksum to file. I'm not sure how the files are categorized here but if the developer would add the different checksum for his files to differentiate it from 'usual' flashes, it wouldn't be pain to just filter them out.
>>Aedako  23dec2014(tu)21:28  No.16728  D  P10R9
I'm two months late with this reply, but to answer your question, one of my web providers randomly flaked out on me, causing the website to go down for a few days.

Files from yt2swf are quite easy to detect without any change. They're always exactly 3402 bytes, and all but 11 bytes are identical to each other.

Flashbulb has seen some nice improvements lately. It's a lot faster than before, you can import and export SVG images (sort of), there's an awesome sponsors screen with epileptic demoscene graphics/music and the name of the one person who has donated, and overall functionality has improved. I have sound stream import/export implemented, which will be in a version uploaded in a day or two. Development is going to be slow again for a while while I deal with demands in my personal life though (e.g. earning money so I don't starve).

>>Aedako  4jun2015(th)20:34  No.20442  E  P11R10
Flashbulb 0.48 is up. This update is strongly recommended for anyone even vaguely interested in the program, because it adds something Flashbulb has needed for a long time now: a gallery mode. Instead of searching for a vector shape / raster image / sound file by going through the tags one-by-one, you can see all of them all at once now.

Yeah, development on this thing is slow. I have to make a living doing other stuff most of the time. Life's a jerk that way.

>>Anonymous  4jun2015(th)21:18  No.20443  F  P12R11
Nice to see things are still happening, well done!
>>Aedako  26jun2015(fr)22:50  No.20992  E  P13R12
As of Flashbulb 0.51 it's possible to create basic flashes from scratch. Certain tasks are automated, such as displaying images and GIF animations, playing sounds, creating buttons and adding credits to the bottom. I'm hoping the availability of a free Flash authoring tool will encourage more people to create files that are actually Flash, not YouTube rips.

Going to focus on putting in a site lock removal tool next.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  27jun2015(sa)03:36  No.20997  SWF  P14R13
Nice job, warms the heart to see someone working on tools for flash
Created: 8/10 -2014 08:54:28 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:46 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:14:55