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>>Anonymous  31may2015(su)17:47  No.20338  OP  P1
more swf's

can you save the swfs from other boards, like (2channel), (Futaba Channel), or (the swf's not the gif's) ?

>>Anonymous  31may2015(su)17:52  No.20339  OP  P2
edit: and maybe from sites like or, or, or old flash sites like pooploops and all the countless small other sites?
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  31may2015(su)18:37  No.20341  SWF  P3R1
It's certainly not impossible. ;)

At the moment the swfchan server only scans 4chan's /f/ automatically on top swfchan's own boards. I've however developed some additional scanners for other major places that run from a different server and then I manually move found files over to swfchan when I feel it's time. The move-files-over process will be automated one of these days.

On top of that I also do manual scans from time to time with code I've tailored especially for the site that looks interesting. 115 such custom scans has been done so far. If a place keeps being updated I might repeat the manual scan after a year or so. The manual scans usually don't give that many new flashes but they provide a bunch of new file names for existing flashes, which I feel is still worth the effort since it will help people find what they are looking for when they search here on swfchan.

I'm always looking for new sites to scan for flash files so if anyone have a place to recommend (even if you think I already know about it) please post the URL here.

>>Anonymous  1jun2015(mo)21:05  No.20368  B  P4R2
Oh, I always thought the scan and move files process is already automated.
It seems you didn't get any new files from, as far as I know. The only other I can think of are and And Freeway Cola's
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  2jun2015(tu)07:22  No.20386  SWF  P5R3
It's fully automated for 4chan and 90% automated for other places.

I suppose I really should scan for some non-porn flashes one of these days, usually I make my scanners only pick up porn because the vast, vast majority of non-porn flashes are pretty, well, worthless to be blunt. A few years ago I was in the process of scanning Newgrounds but after a while I looked at what was being found and nearly all of it was something that I couldn't possibly think swfchan's userbase was interested in. I rewrote the code to only grab the very top rated flashes and it still inserted thousands of flashes on swfchan that nobody has watched even once.

Since then I figure that at least porn flashes will always have SOME kind of value to people and the really good non-porn flashes will find themselves to being posted on /f/. I dunno, this is supposed to be an archive but if I were to grab everything everywhere the site would probably have near if not over a million flashes now, 85% of which without a single view. The stuff people want to see would be pushed out of view by an army of "babby's first flash" kind of flashes. Or flash games, there's so many out there. And in here too but only nobody and his brother plays the flash games archived on swfchan.

That being said it would be nice with some new, good, non-porn flashes coming in. I realize that over a ton of them naturally never find their way to /f/, especially since the board is still stuck in 10 MiB file size limit hell. So keep suggesting places if you've got 'em and we'll see what we can find. Mature links are of course also still okay to suggest if you have any hidden gems.
Created: 31/5 -2015 17:47:03 Last modified: 18/10 -2024 04:34:08 Server time: 18/10 -2024 04:44:01