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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  23jun2015(tu)20:43  No.20909  SWF  P1

I'm considering implementing support for .unity3d on swfchan. These are single self-contained files, just like swfs, that are played with a browser plugin, just like swfs. They are created with the Unity game engine and I don't know the first thing about how the .unity3d format is constructed or if there are any security issues with it but I can learn.

Files in the .unity3d format would be uploadable on all boards supporting .swf uploads and would mix in with the flash threads, though they would be highlighted somehow to differentiate that they are about a Unity file. Uploaded .unity3d files would not get into the current flash archive on .com/.net, instead they would appear on their own subdomain and have their own archive model.

Have been playing around with Unity and believe this game engine will get big, bigger than it already is, especially now since the free version doesn't have any limitations anymore. There's so many tutorials and videos out for it, seems to have a much bigger following than the Unreal Engine. It has some similarity to flash in some ways as well (a GameObject reminds me of a MovieClip), though it still lacks a lot of what flash can offer. I really hope you will be able to draw vector graphics in future versions of Unity. It's super easy creating a simple animation in flash or drawing a GUI compared to in Unity.

Question is: Will it be worth the trouble of this implementation on swfchan? Are there enough .unity3d files out there? Maybe game makers are more interested in exporting .exe files instead of .unity3d files? Will 60 MiB (current upload file size limit of .swf files) be enough to cover most of the .unity3d files out there? I'm kinda betting that it would at least go a long way since I made a 3D network game and when exported as a .exe file it took 28.1 MiB (including its data folder) but when exported as a single .unity3d file it only took 0.4 MiB so it appears to be packed pretty neatly when requiring the plugin to be played.

Are there any (porn) artists interesting in making .unity3d games/animations but are holding back due to there being no place to show off your creations? I'm imagining people uploading their porn while linking to their Patreon in the thread hoping to gather supporters. Post in this thread if it's something you're interested in, otherwise I'll just think it's my brain dreaming up things nobody is interested in again.

Is .unity3d a thing in Japan? Anyone think it will be? Anybody seen any such porn anywhere? Please tell, I'm really hoping for links in this thread if they exist. Since the Oculus Rift is coming out in less than a year and Unity will have easy-to-implement support for it there will probably be a bunch of VR stuff coming out.

I'm not promising anything but if there is interest and if .unity3d is actually a thing that artists are exporting their stuff to it might come to swfchan. Sucks that Unity 5.0 removed the ability to export to swf for some reason by the way...

>>Anonymous  23jun2015(tu)21:38  No.20914  A  P2R1
To be honest, I came across only a handful of unity files yet. I didn't even download the Plugin until now, because I didn't bother to inform me of how secure the browser application is.
>>Anonymous  24jun2015(we)17:54  No.20935  B  P3R2
I don't know any specifics, but a few observations:

* Unity is a magnet for people who want to make games but have no programming or design skills. If you look at the streamers who play bad games for humor/ironic purposes (Vinesauce), most of the games they play are made in Unity.

* You are more likely to run into legal problems with commercial games. Apparently there are several major studios who have produced Unity content.

* I'm not finding any specifications for the format. All signs point to closed/proprietary.

Reservations aside, it is an interesting idea. A cursory check tells me Unity is sandboxed, so it should be comparable to Flash in terms of security (though I have doubts -- Unity allows creators to write shaders, an easy method of overheating/crashing a GPU). Being free makes it more accessible than Flash, so it might lead to more community-related content being created.

>>Horsie  24jun2015(we)21:11  No.20937  C  P4R3
I find this an excellent idea.
There are some good porn in Unity right now, like the Cathouse Tale, Lugia 3D or Yiffalicious.
About security issues, compared to the old times with flash and browser security holes going rampant, I don't think this is a really serious issue nowadays.
>>Anonymous  25jun2015(th)07:25  No.20948  D  P5R4
Unity Web Player is losing support, Chrome dropped it because they won't update from NPAPI and there's still no signs of them ever porting it to Linux (even though Unity3D can export standalone Linux apps, they just never bothered bringing the web player over).
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  29jun2015(mo)02:18  No.21037  SWF  P6R5
It's probably best to hold off on any kind of Unity implementation.

Biggest problem seems to be that people aren't releasing their things as .unity3d for the browser, they are releasing them as .exe.

The subject still remains open for discussion, if anyone have anything to say please do so! I'm especially interested in URLs to actual porn things created in Unity that has been published for the web player.

If there's not even one of those around already there probably won't be much in the future either, at least not enough to make it worth all the time it would take to implement what I mentioned.
Created: 23/6 -2015 20:43:34 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:53 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:16:59