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>>Anonymous  3aug2011(we)18:59  No.2133  OP  P1
Actionscript decompiler?

What do you guys use to get actionscript out of SWFs? I just moved everything over to a new computer and SURPRISE SURPRISE the fla won't open in Flash 8 or CS4. I just want the AS out of it /sadface

>>Anonymous  3aug2011(we)19:01  No.2134  OP  P2
also it would be amazing if you could somehow get the capcha images to come from the same domain (hopefully it's ads.swfchan and not something external) as the ads so people with adblockers would have to turn them off
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  4aug2011(th)13:38  No.2141  SWF  P3R1
I'm afraid I can't tell you the solution swfchan uses to read the ActionScript (to avoid potential trouble, I have to upgrade it some year though since it can't handle the now-not-so-new AS3) but I can recommend "Sothink SWF Decompiler", it does a pretty good job. It's not free though. There are some free alternatives around but I have lost the names of them (someone remember?), it was a quite a while since I decompiled a flash now. I'm assuming you're using AS2?

But wait a minute, you're not trying to decompile a SWF - it's a FLA project? Try to change the file name extension to .zip and extract it, perhaps you can find your ActionScript in a "DOMDocument.xml" file there somewhere? Open it in notepad and check. I've never tried myself but maybe you can make a new FLA file and use the old DOMDocument somehow. But if you have a FLA file that you can't open in the first place it means that it has probably been corrupted and cannot extract as a zip file either... if the file has been corrupt your ActionScript probably can't be recovered. :(

The ads comes from an external domain. But I don't really want to force people to view the ads anyway, there are ways to discover people that don't show ads and I do exactly that (might not be flawless but it works for most adblockers at least once). I could make the site not show any images or flash files unless the ads are displayed but instead I just display a message asking them to enable ads if they want to support swfchan. If they don't they can just hide the message. I dunno, there's enough rage on the Internet already, forcing people to display the ads feels evil. :)

>>w7-890  11jan2019(fr)13:38  No.65934  B  P4R2
yo sir try FFDEC decompiler
Created: 3/8 -2011 18:59:18 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:12 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:07:26