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>>Six  30aug2011(tu)05:00  No.2528  OP  P1
A list of False Flag attacks and why it is important to you

Operation False Flag: A Modern Primer
Number Six
Activist Post
August 29, 2011

Dees Illustration
Definition: When governments or organizations (usually connected to the former) stage highly sophisticated attacks on their own or foreign soil with the purpose of placing the blame on a desirable enemy foreign or domestic, one who has otherwise done no wrong. Essentially a setup, it provides the government entity with an excuse via fabricated evidence in complicity with media to fulfill its various agendas (i.e. war or law making).
As false flag operations gain further ground and frequency, the better you know their history, the sooner you can recognize when they are about to happen or as they occur.
It is a fact that essentially every single war since the Spanish-American War of 1898 has included the use of a false flag operation as an excuse to enter into conflict. The lies have become uncovered after the fact, too late to prevent mass death and destruction.
As practically the only anti-war candidate, Ron Paul recently pointed out such a fact to the other puppet candidates during a debate. The other candidates are heartily calling for World War III which could possibly destroy the planet by dressing up an Iranian invasion, whereas Paul points out that the Iraq war (which has massacred over one million Iraqis) was based on an utter and complete fabricated lie.
Obviously, upon discovery of such a lie, the only logical conclusion would be to end the war and persecute the liars. However, the true controllers of this media-complicit false flag operation merely replaced the lie with another more pliable excuse to fool the fluoride-head public, such as the Truman-Johnson-Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-(Clinton) Doctrine of “spreading freedom and democracy” to countries fighting against communism, I mean, terrorism.
15 February 1898, Cuba, USS Maine (260 dead Americans; 15,000+ war casualties)
Event: The explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor.
Fact: The US sensationalist media and government lied, blamed it on Spain and began a “splendid little war” on a false pretext. Spain was later exonerated and “faulty” explosives or ammunition were officially blamed.
The 1962 Pentagon Operation Northwoods document, rejected by Kennedy, planned to commit similar acts, deliberately blowing up ships, and expending the lives of their own soldiers and civilians in order to provide an excuse for Cuban invasion. The report went on to detail how the terror attacks and false flag operation would be dubbed in the media as a “Remember the Maine” event. This would lead one to allude that the strategists are suggesting the USS Maine incident itself was a false flag operation.
“Better Late Than Never?: Rickover Clears Spain of the Maine Explosion.” History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web. <>.
Cummings, Denis. “On This Day: Spanish-American War Ends.” Finding Dulcinea. 12 Aug. 2011. < Aug/Spanish-American-War-Ends.html>.
“Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962.” The National Security Archive. 30 Apr. 2001. <>.
7 May 1917, Irish coast, Lusitania (1,198 dead)
Event: The deliberate sending of a passenger ship by British and American authorities to certain death in German patrolled water, leading to the eventual sinking of the ship by German submarines.
Fact: Despite the Germans having put out newspaper advertisements as warning and it being known that any trespassing ship would be destroyed, instead of saving lives, the Anglo-American governments deliberately assisted in the massacre of hundreds of innocent lives in order to provide a pretext for entrance into the Great War for Civilization, more commonly known as World War I.
House, Edward Mandell, and Charles Seymour. The Intimate Papers of Colonel House. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1926.
Griffin, G. Edward. The Creature from Jekyll Island: A 2nd Look at the Federal Reserve. 5th ed. American Media, 2010.
27 February 1933, Germany, Reichstag Burning
Event: Complete burning down of the German state Reichstag building.
Fact: A month after Hitler took power, the government building burned down and served as an excuse to pass an Enabling Act which annulled the constitution and made him dictator. Furthermore, Germany created an enemy out of the communists to use as fear for population control and eventual foreign aggression.

Tobias, Fritz. The Reichstag Fire. New York: Putnam, 1963.
“Rise of Hitler: The Reichstag Burns.” The History Place. < er/burns.htm>.
“The Reichstag Fire.” United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. < =10007657>.

31 August 1939, Upper Silesia, Germany, Gleiwitz Incident
Event: German soldiers, dressed as Polish, attack a German radio station. They kill a dozen Polish prisoners and claim them as the culprits.
Fact: Provided pretext for the invasion of Poland and beyond.

Auden, W. H. “Blitzkrieg September 1, 1939: a New Kind of Warfare Engulfs Poland.” Time. 1 Sept. 1939. <,9171 ,958453,00.html>.
7 December 1941, Hawaii, Pearl Harbor
Event: Attack of US Naval base by Japanese forces.
Fact: The attacks were brought on by the U.S. itself via careful execution of set goals. These included the armament of Japans enemies, cut-off of energy supplies and port access closure. At the very least, the Federal Government knew of the coming attack having decoded messages and instead of warning the Hawaiian naval base, deliberately kept them as sitting ducks to be massacred. This was used as an official excuse for the U.S. to enter into World War II.

Stinnett, Robert B. Day of Deceit: the Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor. New York, NY: Touchstone, 2001.
Engdahl, William. Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century. Wiesbaden, Germany: Edition.engdahl, 2009.
Prange, Gordon W., Donald M. Goldstein, and Katherine V. Dillon. At Dawn We Slept: the Untold Story of Pearl Harbor. New York, NY: Penguin, 2001.
1946, Cold War
Event: The concoction of a grand mythological metanarrative dialectic on a global scale between the two countries of the U.S. and U.S.S.R. by George Kennan and Paul Nitze, among others.
Motive: Establish national security state, provide excuse for development of military-industrial-complex and allow for lebensraum, the expansion of Anglo-American economic “breathing” or “vital space”.
“Following proclamation of the Truman Doctrine, a creation of Secretary of State Dean Acheson, the Administration’s propaganda apparatus tried to drum up popular support for their Cold War against the ‘evil, Godless’ communists in the Soviet Union. They believed that they could win popular voter support for huge increases in Federal defense spending by ‘scaring the hell out of America,’ as one of Truman’s advisors put it –perhaps by engendering a ‘war scare to deceive the nation.’” (Engdahl)
Engdahl, William. Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century. Wiesbaden, Germany: Edition.engdahl, 2009. 233.
“NSC-68 United States Objectives and Programs for National Security.” Federation of American Scientists. 31 Jan. 1950. < m>.
25 June 1950, Korean War
Event: The air raid attack and initial provocation of North Korea by the South followed by an all out war. The first use of a global police force (UN) with the US supporting the South and the Sino-Soviets supporting the North.
Fact: “A war to ‘defend’ South Korea had many attractions. First it would indirectly implicate the Soviet Union as the main supporter of the North Korean regime of communist Kim il Sung. Second, the Rockefellers and the Dulles brothers and their business associates had poured huge investments into South Korea.”
“June 25, 1950, the world received the shocking report from South Korea that the North Korean Army had launched a major invasion of the south. The reports were conflicting however. American historian John Gunther, then traveling in Japan with General MacArthur, provided this first-hand account of an aide to the US General: ‘The south Koreans have attacked the north!’” (Engdahl)
Engdahl, William. Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century. Wiesbaden, Germany: Edition.engdahl, 2009. 233.
Gunther, John, and Carl H. Pforzheimer. The Riddle of MacArthur: Japan, Korea, and the Far East. New York: Harper, 1951.
15 August 1953, Iran, Operation Ajax
Event: CIA and British intelligence stage terror attacks to overthrow a peaceful and democratic Iran, even after Prime Minister Mossadegh successful argues the Iranian case in a world court. They steal their petroleum and replace the regime with a dictatorship, setting up the SAVAK secret police with the assistance of the Israeli Mossad, which is then used for torture and domestic repression.

Gasiorowski, Mark. “The Secret CIA History of the Iran Coup.” The National Security Archive. 29 Nov. 2000. <>.
17 April 1961, Cuba, Bay of Pigs
Event: The CIA run and failed invasion of Cuba.
Fact: The CIA designed the invasion in order to put President Kennedy between a rock and a hard place, potentially forced to escalate into a full scale invasion and war. Peacemaker JFK was able to maneuver out of the predicament.
Douglass, James W. JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2008.
Kornbluh, Peter. “Top Secret CIA ‘Official History’ of the Bay of Pigs: Revelations.” The National Security Archive. 15 Aug. 2011. < dex.htm>
13 March 1962, Pentagon, Operation Northwoods
Event: Plan approved by Joint Chiefs of Staff to kill American citizens, stage terror attacks and destroy remote controlled aircraft among other incidents, to be blamed on Cuba.
Fact: In the vein of the USS Maine and Bay of Pigs, to provide a pretext for a Cuban war. Vetoed by Kennedy, followed by his subsequent assassination.
“Pentagon Proposed Pretexts for Cuba Invasion in 1962.” The National Security Archive. 30 Apr. 2001. <>.
22 November 1963: Dallas, Assassination of JFK
Event: The assassination of peacemaking President John F. Kennedy.
Fact: Lee Harvey Oswald had been dressed up as communist patsy. The subsequent President Lyndon Johnson escalated the Vietnam War, being fought against the “Communist World Revolution” and the “Domino Effect.” JFK had planned to pull out of Vietnam. After having been setup by the CIA on numerous occasions, JFK wanted to scatter the agency to the wind, breaking it into a thousand pieces. Besides having confronted powerful business interests (i.e. US Steel), he issued executive orders allowing the US Treasury to issue currency redeemable in silver, United States Notes, not Federal Reserve Notes.
Douglass, James W. JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2008.
Fetzer, Jim, and Jim Marrs. “JFK Assassination. False Flag Attacks: How “Patsies” Are Framed.” Centre for Research on Globalization. 11 Dec. 2009. < a>.
Dankbaar, Wim. Files on JFK: Interviews with Confessed Assassin James E. Files, and More New Evidence of the Conspiracy That Killed JFK. [Walterville, Or.]: [Trine Day], 2008.
Watson, Paul J. “JFK Murder Plot “Deathbed Confession” Aired On National Radio.” Prison

>>Anonymous  12sep2011(mo)08:29  No.2564  A  P2R1
Cool story bro
>>Anonymous  14sep2011(we)12:28  No.2565  B  P3R2
thats really interdasting op, please continue
>>Anonymous  4oct2016(tu)04:57  No.39674  C  P4R3
I want to hear more.
>>Anonymous  4oct2016(tu)05:35  No.39675  D  P5R4
You know, I was almost ready to believe some of this, and then you went and brought up JFK.
>>Anonymous  4oct2016(tu)06:39  No.39676  B  P6
>1862 days old thread
>>Anonymous  4oct2016(tu)06:42  No.39678  E  P7R5
You never said why it was important to us. The title is misleading.

Reported, enjoy your ban.

>>Anonymous  4oct2016(tu)09:57  No.39682  F  P8R6

The problem with this topic in general is that some of these theories are true and others are simply not and it's really hard, if not impossible, for normal people to tell the difference.

One of few conspiracies I'm sure of is that completely retarded conspiracy theories are made for the sole purpose of undermining the term 'Conspiracy Theroy' in order to make theories that are actually true less likely to be believed.

>>Anonymous  4oct2016(tu)09:59  No.39683  F  P9
>1862 days old thread
well fucking thank you [Random Thread Order]!
>>Anonymous  4oct2016(tu)11:05  No.39688  G  P10R7
You mean some conspiracies are true. Conspiracy theories in general aren't true.

Conspiracies are so difficult to keep under the lid, that they typically "leak" vital information within a year or so.
Created: 30/8 -2011 05:00:49 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:12 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:05:25