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>>Swf Addict  13nov2015(fr)01:20  No.25311  OP  P1
AD Pop-Up locks browser

Hi there,

that's my first time in the discussion section so I don't know if the problem is already known. For a few months I've been visiting swfchan with turned-off adblocker, I don't mind it as long as you get some bucks.

However for a few weeks now there's an ad pop-up that locks my browser and attempts to force me to install some shitty app. I've run into this garbage twice now - only on swfchan. I have reported the issue (the app) to google as malware (nope I did not install that shit).
I doubt this will solve the issue though.

I'm running win10 / google chrome.

I don't get that pop up on my second computer win7 / google chrome.

I hope you can do something about it, because swfchan becomes pretty much unusable for me on this computer without turning on adblock.

I'm writing because I can't be the only one with the problem and I don't want swfchan to become unpopular / lose ad bucks because people either go or activate adblock again because of this shit.

Ads please yes, but no spam/browser-lock-up shit.

Swf Addict

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  13nov2015(fr)02:18  No.25312  SWF  P2R1
Did you happen to catch the URL of the popup? The domain part of it I mean. If I had that I can give it to my ad providers (I'm using three of them) and hopefully they the one that serves the bad ads will get rid of it. Unfortunately I can't control the actual ads that show up any more than that.
>>Swf Addict  14nov2015(sa)17:50  No.25334  OP  P3R2
no sorry I didn't think about it at that moment. Next time it pops up I'll make a screen-shot ;)
>>Swf Addict  14nov2015(sa)18:07  No.25336  OP  P4
-.- ugh... I must be pretty retarded from sleep deprivation...

I didn't think about looking into my browser history.

I don't know in what order your ad providers open, but at that time of visit 3 pop ups opened:

and gsh-pop/goUpDeFast/degsh-go.php?target=287041

the first two repeatedly just link to the ad sites so if there is any set order in how the pop-ups open they're safe.

The last link doesn't open anymore for me (tried getting there again).
Hopefully it'll be the last of it.

The app it tries to push onto people is: harkim-styler/ilgihknkdmjnlohhmaidomgjiccflbgm/rev iews

I hope this helps. Yesterday I tried getting that popup to show up again and it didn't (lets see for how long... simons law...).
Created: 13/11 -2015 01:20:50 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:23:05 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:53:28