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>>Anonymous  15feb2016(mo)08:49  No.28787  OP  P1
I was wondering if there will ever be a search by date function?

I know that this isn't like the other archivers and is mainly about keeping flash files, but it would be nice to be able to search back what was posted on any given day all the way back in 2007.

This came to mind because I was reading through some archived thread and an anon mentioned that a bunch of oldfags were posting stuff that day, and it was before 4plebs started archiving /f/.

The information is in all of the posts, just wondering if it would ever be searchable.

>>Anonymous  15feb2016(mo)11:39  No.28791  A  P2R1
this is a really good idea, not sure if it is doable though...
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  15feb2016(mo)15:52  No.28798  SWF  P3R2
It would be possible, I made a field in the database that keeps track of the date when a thread was discovered. The earliest record is from 12sep2008, here's the first archived thread:

swfchan came online 5may2008. An early version of the site archived several threads from 2007 while I was building stuff but those didn't make it into the online version. I have them in a .rar archive in case I feel crazy enough to insert them someday, it would require me to manually link them to the flash that they each belong to.

As for if there will ever be a search by date function... I dunno, it would take quite a bit of work to implement actually. I would also like the ability to search for flashes by popularity (meaning number of threads belonging to the flash). One time I had this idea of making a sort of trending page where you could see /f/ as a timeline and how certain flashes came into existance, grew in popularity (post rate) and then eventually diminished. All these things would be fun to have... Isn't it a shame we have to waste so much time sleeping in our life?

I've got many projects that I want to fulfill right now but I'll remember that a search by date function is desired! I might get into the mood of implementing it all of a sudden, as I often do. Knowing that the feature is desired helps a lot for motivation. When and if it comes it will probably be on the .com search engine as a "seen between" parameter.

>>Anonymous  16feb2016(tu)00:18  No.28815  OP  P4
It seems that if a popularity histogram is something you want (y is the posts (replies too if you make two?) and x is time), you need to have the capability to parse the date field, which implicates a search by date function (at least for the system).

It is pertinent to allow multiple flashes into one histogram because there are always those flashes that are essentially the same, but have small differences. It would also allow people to log a memes lifetime, like potato knishes: they could add all the relevant flashes and see it's rise and fall in popularity.

It might help with the thread search, which would allow searching for terms that are too popular, like dose, to show the older results.

I was also wondering if it is too heavy a strain on system resources to use regular expression? They can provide some very accurate results when used correctly.

Thanks for answering my questions.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  16feb2016(tu)06:26  No.28830  SWF  P5
Searching by regular expressions? I don't think it would be too demanding for the server since not too many people would use it but I don't know if there are any security concerns that I'm not aware of so I won't risk it right now. Searching on .net (in threads) are not done directly in the actual posts by the way, it's done in a special database that contains parsed versions of the threads. It's a little odd system but it's a remnant of the old, more limited database used on the previous server.
>>Anonymous  16feb2016(tu)06:56  No.28832  OP  P6
Well I don't know if it would ever really be used, but even in the partially parsed wiki records it could be useful.

There are some security concerns that are listed here, by no means am I saying that they are all the concerns that regular expression might have. re-any-way-to-put-malicious-code-into-a-regular-ex pression

>>Anonymous  17feb2016(we)21:30  No.28928  C  P7R3
OP, you might want to use "thyme" and not "sage" as the latter also kills the thread's health.

I guess you really have a lot of stuff going on right now, there was this side project about converting flash or embedding it in unity or something (can't remember the site name).
With flash dying slowely in vain, it's probably the best to focus efforts in those kind of tools.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  17feb2016(we)22:37  No.28929  SWF  P8R4
Biggest problem for me at the moment is to focus on one thing, I can't decide what I really want to do right now.

Btw off topic but since you mentioned that flash is dying: There's a rumor going around that Adobe is dropping flash since their Flash Professional program is disappearing, even reported on this incorrectly (or misleadingly). That is not true, they are just renaming the program to Adobe Animate CC: ate-cc-a-new-era-for-flash-professional/

The SWF format can still be exported to and as such there will still be a flash plugin for browsers. AIR is still doing well as well, which is in essence flash. So flash isn't really dying, it's still being used extensively and Adobe is still supporting it.

I just wanted to touch on that because there's a lot of people saying that flash is irrelevant these days just because Google is dropping it from video and ad delivery, which simply isn't true. Note that I'm not talking about you >>28928 in particular here, I just want to write this down for anyone else that happen to stumble over this post in the future.

Google dropping flash from ads is a good thing in all honesty. If flash isn't used for ads there won't be much reason for people to search too hard for security vulnerabilities in the first place. Remains to be seen if bothersome flash ads will just be replaced by bothersome video ads instead.

Unfortunately the actual swf format is dying though, thanks to YouTube and the money that is over there. Most people export their flash animations to video and never bother to release the swf file, even though swf is objectively better than any video format on nearly all fronts. That is sad for a site that archives swf files but I still think there will be a healthy dose of people around exporting to swf for many years to come. Even if it's mostly porn these days...

>>Anonymous  19feb2016(fr)00:54  No.28974  C  P9R5
Yep, sadly Youtube isn't NiCO NII, I mean Nicovideo, maybe that's why 2ch has a lot more flash history?
Only furries for some reason are REALLY dedicated to making their porn in SWF format. I mean, I don't like it, but I really appreciate their loyalty and mastery of the flash format.
>>Anonymous  28feb2016(su)04:34  No.29276  OP  P10R6
Flash might be dying because Adobe has turned their program into a subscription service. This deters content creators who don't own older versions to start makings content in Flash. Why would they want to pay a monthly fee for a hobby that they are not even good at (yet)?

Newgrounds, Albinoblacksheep, dagobah and are all places that allows flash video uploads, however I don't know how widespread they are. Newgrounds is rather popular but they don't allow you do download the video content there.

Games are still pretty popular in the swf format; Nitrome, Miniclip and ArmorGames are usually flash.

It would be cool if there was a whole series of swfs that teach people the features of Flash.

There's a tutorial titled "a reversing tutorial for newbies" it was for hacking. It was even better because each frame was just an image, so it's quality was great and readable for whatever they were trying to convey, it had lots of text, and popup boxes of text would explain everything without having to use audio.

The how2f flash, while a little outdated, is another good example of tutorials being better in flash.

Thanks admin for adding the thread counter. I've been trolling through the first spotted list, looking for a specific one and it helps a lot that I can see if there are any threads for a flash. I do see some flashes that have no wiki records avalible from time to time and I was wondering how that happens? Is there a way to manually upload flashes to the archive? Also there are a few wiki records that seemed to have grabbed the html file or something and there is no preview for them and the full version includes all of the text on the thread page (including the board code headers and so on). If the threads can be automatically be converted into their regular format it, a flagging system should work. Here's an example:
Created: 15/2 -2016 08:49:42 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 10:23:12 Server time: 12/03 -2025 10:55:49