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>>Anonymous  16oct2011(su)02:23  No.2639  OP  P1

Smash Bros 4: Simon Belmont
by ~Requiem-of-Forest

Name: Simon Belmont
Gender: Male
Alignment: Hero
Origin: Castlevania
Weight: Medium
Run Speed: 4.0/5

Idle Animation: Simon looks to the sky, holstering his whip.
Intro: A great Cross appears in the sky, Simon drops out of it,landing on one knee.
A combo: Simon slices vertically and horizontally with a silver dagger, spinning his whip around and around while the button is held.

F+A-Holy water: Simon throws a bottle of holy water, igniting any enemy that steps into it in a blue flame, doing extra damage if they are aligned with Evil. low- medium damage, very low knockback.
D+A: Sword of Roses. Simon draws a large sword of Vines and plant's, swinging horizontally in a curved arc. high damage, low knockback.

U+A- Manticore's Fury : Simon swipes in a curved arc at his opponent with short, potent claws of a manticore. Dealing high poison damage and medium knockback.

F-Smash- Flaming Justice: Simon's whip catches fire as he thrusts it forward in a simple straight strike. It loses it's flame when retracted.

D-Smash: Cry of the Mandragora. A Mandragora is summoned in front of simon, screeching with fury, the shock wave dealing high knockback/low damage.

U-Smash: Puppet Master: Simon throws a puppet into the air,coming down in a curved arc, if it hits, the opponent cannot use attacks for 5 seconds. If it hits the ground, Simon switches places with the puppet instantly, has a 40 second cool down.

Grab Method: Simon lashes at his opponent with his whip, wrapping it around their arm, and pulling them in.
Grab Attack: Simon Elbows his opponent in the face.
F-Throw: Simon headbutts his opponent, kicking them away from him.
D-Throw: Simon leaps into the air, tackling his opponent to the ground with a Golem fist
B-Throw: Simon pulls his whip back,spinning and thrusting his opponent in the opposite direction.

B: Diana's Grace: Simon swings his whip, Random Elemental effects emerge from the tip. Wind gusts, Poison Clouds, Thorny roses, Shards of ice, ect. If B is Held Simon spins the whip, generating a low damage, random, (protective) effect. Such as Spinning balls of fire, Spinning Orbs of ice, Disks of Wind rotating around simon, ect. High Damage, medium knockback

^B: Appolo's Blessing Simon swings his whip upwards, A random "bomb" shoots out of the tip, A ball of ice that splinters into many shards, a Pillar of flame that shoots out fireballs, a Ball of vines that sticks to the enemy, rooting them to the ground and slowly damaging them with thorns for about 15 seconds. Very high damage, difficult to master, medium knockback.

>B: Bullet Soul Simon fires a random "Bullet" Soul from his hand. A flaming Skull, A Spear of ice, A Thorn minigun, A Medusa head firing rocks, A Light Laser, ect. Long range, medium damage, low knockback

Down-B: Fate To Despair- Simon gains a temporary elemental boost to his Regular A- attacks. Nature bonus grants better defense, stone grants simon flinch resistance, Fire adds to his damage, ice adds slow damage, Wind adds knockback, ect.

Final Smash: Vampire Killer: Simon Rises into the air, Portals opening around him, spinning swords of all type emerge from them, some fast and small, some large and slow, filling the entire screen with flying swords of all shapes/sizes and types.

Taunt 1: Simon curls his whip up,holding it by his side, looking off screen. (just like in the games!)

Taunt 2: Simon recites a spell,creating an elaborate Symbol of energy around himself.

Taunt 3: Simon checks his gear while staring down his foe

Main Colors: Blonde hair Brown vest, with A Shoulder pad on his left arm. Brown Legging's with a sheathe for swords.
Alt Colors 1: Gray/Silver hair Dark Blue shirt, brown leather vest/robe, black leather pants/ silver boots. (Nathan Graves)
Alt Colors 2: Brown hair Blue shirt/white undershirt Brown gloves/ brown boots (Richter Belmont)

Kirby Hat: Kirby gains Simon's hair and whip. Gains the ability to swing the whip to get random elemental attacks.

Victory 1: Simon bows his head, and prays softly to himself.

Victory 2: Simon swings his whip in the air triumphantly

Victory 3: Simon corsses his arms, and grunts "hmmph"

(I will finish his Alt costumes once I decide which characters would be best, there are so many belmonts!!)

- Skull Kid

Name: Skull Kid
Gender: Male
Alignment: Villan
Origin: Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask (N64)
Weight: Lightweight
Run Speed: 1.8/5

A:Combo (Skull Kid strikes his opponenet's with a quick flurry of Dark magic)

F+A: Gravemind
- Skull Kid does a Quick Strike with his Dark Magic, transforming his hand into a bony Stalchild hand. Doing Low Damage, with high knockback.D+

- D+A: Steel gaurdian
Skull Kid summon's a Iron-knuckle Axe that Spin's in a deadly whirlwind as he floats above it. Doing high damage, with medium knockback Occasionally it will be Flaming swords, which do less damage but knock back the opponent very far.

U+A: Thunder Strike
- Skull Kid summon's a Bolt of thunder from the sky, doing damage to any airborne target it hits. If it does not, it does slight AOE damage to anyone near skull kid.

Dash Attack: Phase
- Skull Kid will vanish for a moment, sidestepping into the backround, appearing back onto the battlefield a few meters ahead of him, anyone caught in the flash get's a slight stun with medium knockback.

F-Smash: Gomess Scythe
- Skull Kid conjures a Scythe, swinging it down into his opponent, If charged, Skull kid will Twirl the scythe in a short combo. If the Tip of the scythe hit's, It deals extra damage. With low Knockback, and high Damage.

D-Smash: Gibdo Scream
- Skull Kid Screams a bone-chilling cream. Freezing the enemy directly in front of him in their tracks, dealing no damage but stunning them for a brief time

U-Smash: Ice Rain
- Skull Kid waves his hand above him in an arc, firing 3 ice arrows in a Spread-out arc. Freezing if it directly hit's an airborne target, If it does not hit it's target, The arrows come back to the ground, breaking and releasing a chilling breeze,slowing down anyone who walks into it.

Grab Method: Poison Lure.
Skull Kid pulls his opponent towards him with Tendrils of Poisoned Swamp Water

Grab Attack: Suffocation
- Skull Kid envelops his opponents head in posion, choking them for a moment, causing slow,lasting damage.

F-Throw- Death's edge: Skull kid conjures his scythe. Impales his opponent with it, and then uses it to throw them, causing high damage, medium knockback

D-Throw- Wrath of the Giants: Skull Kid conjures a giant painted wooden fist, fashioned after the look of the giants, but crude and evil looking, with Majora's mask painted on the back of the hand. he throws his opponent to the ground,smashing them with the fist.

B-Throw- Bitter Chill: Skull kid conjures a freezing wind, lifting his opponent off their feet, and carrying them away, slinging them for high knockback, and low damage, slowing them for a few seconds with the freeze effect.

U-Throw -Defiance: Skull kid levitates his victim a few feet off the ground, twirling them and throwing them high into the air, very low damage, excellent knockback.

B:Majora's Fury: Skull kid put's his finger's to his head,firing out a powerful, wide beam of Gold-colored energy. Medium Damage, Medium knockback, Does shock Damage.

Up-B- Woodfall's Pestilence: Skull Kid put's his hands on his head, conjuring purple,contaminated swamp water that forms into a cyclone swallowing up anyone , if not it splashes back to the ground. Dissipating and contaminating the ground it touches, poisoning whoever it touches.

Side-B- Snowpeak's Chill: Skull Kid put's his hands on his head, conjuring a Snowball that rolls across the stage, gaining size and momentum as it rolls. When it hit's it's target, it releases several ice shards, freezing anyone it hits for a brief moment.

Down-B- Ikana's Folly: Skull kid Slams the ground, Cracking the ground in front of him, Spinning Swords emerge out of the fissure, Most of the time regular Garo swords will appear, Igos-du-Ikana's Sword will appear from the fissure occasionally, doing massive damage.

Taunt 1: Skull kid will do his Trademark creepy laugh, pointing in front of him.

Taunt 2: Skull kid shakes his head from side-to-side, ruffling the leaves, a slight aura emanating around his head.

Taunt 3: Skull kid hovers above the ground, playing a few notes on his flute

Costume: Courtesey of Emmafrost123 Colors-SSB4-238812028

Kirby Hat: Kirby gains Skull kid's Hat/Mask, can fire An energy Beam with B

Victory 1: Skull Kid will cackle at the foolishness of his enemies

Victory 2: Skull Kid will play his flute while dancing in a circle

Victory 3: Skull Kid Will generate a Purple Fire in his hand, looking at it and softly laughing a demented laugh

Super Smash Bros- Saria
by ~Requiem-of-Forest

D+A: Deku Nut- Saria throws down a Deku nut, stunning anyone it touches and doing no damage and high knockback.

U+A- : Deku smash, Saria slashes upwards with a Deku stick

F-Smash-: Flaming Deku Smash. Saria Slashes Forward with a flaming deku stick, causing high continuos fire damage, with low knockback.

D-Smash: Deku Fury- Saria Draws the kokiri sword and swings in a circular arc

U-Smash: Deku Vengance- Saria vaults into the air with her Deku stick, coming down on her opponnent's head with a spinning kick. Low Damage, high knockback.

Grab Method: She trips her opponent with he Deku stick, Grabbing them and throwing them
Grab Attack: She bashes her opponent with the hilt of the kokiri sword

F-Throw: Saria shoulder bashes her opponent, sending them flying

D-throw: Saria sweeps her opponents leg, coming down on them with her Deku sheild.

B-Throw: Saria grabs her opponent, rolling onto her back, kicking them into the air.

B: Fairy Slingshot Saria fires 3 quick seeds at her opponent, If B is held 5 seeds will be shot, spreading out and hitting anyone in a medium range. Doing High knockback, medium damage when B is held, and medium kncoback, low damage when b is tapped.

^B: Root Saria uses her forest sage powers, summoning roots that reach high into the sky, grabbing and holding any enemy they touch. Leaving them vunerable to an attack. The vines can be cut by anyone.

>B: Deku Bash, Saria Bashes her opponenet with the deku sheild, dealing high knockback/low damage.

Down-B: Saria fires a Sphere of Green and white Magic at her opponent, dealing high damage and low knockback.

Final Smash: Saria's song- Saria pulls out her Ocrina and plays her famous tune, causing everyone to dance around crazily, leaving them exposed.

Taunt 1: She giggles and dances in a circle

Taunt 2: Saria sits down crosses her legs and hums her song to herself

Taunt 3: Saria waves at the audience/Camera depending what direction she's facing.

Kirby Hat: Deku Slingshot

Victory 1: Saria plays her Ocarina in celebration

Victory 2: puts her hand oer her mouth and giggles

Victory 3: puts her arms behind her back, crossing her legs, looking innocently at the camera.

>>sage  16oct2011(su)15:42  No.2643  A  P2

sage in every field
Created: 16/10 -2011 02:23:52 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:12 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:09:36