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>>Liaison  17mar2016(th)04:12  No.30458  OP  P1
Archiving swfchan

Oi, admin. I'm a Bibliotheca Anonoma member - an archivist collective that specializes in imageboard history & culture. We've been contacting imageboard scrapper owners since the death of in an effort to secure & back up the contents of their archives, and maybe establish a mutual support net.

So far we have all the surviving contents of safely stored in the Internet Archive and are in contact and/or receiving back ups and helping the following archives:
4archives (mainly resources)

swfchan is a goldmine of forgotten OC, 4chan culture and every kind of tidbits imaginable extending even to other sites. I think, and bibanon members agree, that's it's important to ensure this site is safely backed up. There's just too much stuff to let time do away with it all.

I can answer here or on IRC any quick questions you may have. If you wanna talk it up you can contact Antonizoon, our founder, on IRC on #bibanon in rizon. Maybe we can even lend a hand resource-wise. We also have a site,, but it's in the works and heavily confusing to browse.

I want to sperg for a second and say that I'm glad there's people like you that appreciates the little things imageboards create, and not only lends a hand ensuring they are not forgotten but actively provides people with the instructions to create their own.

>>Anonymous  18mar2016(fr)01:48  No.30479  A  P2R1
If you're talking about archiving swfchan's content, that would be quite useless, since swfchan's main purpose is itself being an archive.
I can't speak for #ADMIN but his responses to multiple downloads of flash files usually decline the requests.
I could see archiving the threads though, themselves archived on
>>Horsie  18mar2016(fr)10:51  No.30488  B  P3R2
I think they're offering a backup site. I don't know how swfchan works, but you'll never hear any IT guy saying "I have enough backups".
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  18mar2016(fr)12:37  No.30493  SWF  P4R3
Let me get this straight: You guys are archiving archives? Seems legit. a_Anonoma

In all seriousness I respect and have used it a bunch. Where else could you find high-res videos from in the days before YouTube? And we're lucky that the wayback machine came into existance as early as it did, when the web was still breastfeeding.

I'm not going to pretend I understand how works though, are you saying that swfchan has a spot reserved for it over there? If so I'm honored but I'm not ready to hand over all the content of the site just yet. I don't plan to take down swfchan for many, many years. As long as it doesn't become a financial burden I honestly don't see a reason to do so. I still have an interest in the flash format and I still make several swf files every year.

When the day comes I'll contact you guys and try to hand over an image of the site, with the database and all flash files included. Note to anyone reading: This is not a binding contract, life changes and things may change. But at this point in time I of course don't want swfchan to ever be erased from history. As for eventually handing over the site's source code, I'd have to think about that simply because it's so damn ugly.

I understand you guys would want to get an image of the site ASAP in case I die in a car crash tomorrow but I'm just not ready to give it away yet. Imagine if I did that and then a month later spawns with everything that my site has and takes half the visitors... I'd basically have to an hero at that point. I think it's the law.

Everything but the files (all information, except search indexes I suppose) is already available on the crawlable pages of swfchan btw so they could be archived today by the wayback machine's spider bot. I understand you're probably asking because of the flash files though.

>>Liaison  19mar2016(sa)04:45  No.30510  OP  P5R4
Yep. We were a 3 men organization right until died. We realized we couldn't just sit idle so we set up and IRC, got hold of the back ups, and began contacting archive owners and recruiting people.

Since then our scope broadened and now we archive more than just imageboard culture. We are still deeply specialized in it - I myself maintain the horribly typo'd 4chan Historic Summary, which delves a little into overall imageboard culture.

>I'm not going to pretend I understand how works though, are you saying that swfchan has a spot reserved for it over there? has a spot open for everyone on the net as long as they are not blatantly breaking the law (and even then, bad tongues say that they just hide that content). Luckily the "blatantly" part of this lets us upload imageboard related stuff to the site, ensuring our history doesn't die.

All it takes is making an account, uploading and tagging your stuff. That's it's, you could even do it (if it doesn't rape your connection), ensuring your stuff is easily accessible and public on the strongest independent site there's on the web.

>If so I'm honored but I'm not ready to hand over all the content of the site just yet.
>I understand you guys would want to get an image of the site ASAP in case I die in a car crash tomorrow but I'm just not ready to give it away yet.

This can be discussed. If you think that the site back-ups shouldn't be public, I strongly encourage you to contact antonizoon. He will happily arrange for transfer and the image will be kept private - we have a special Ark of Endowment specially in case someone would want it. Antonizoon has considerable resources, several teras of space and even solid drives / some mumbo jumbo I don't really understand but is meant for long term information archival.

>As for eventually handing over the site's source code, I'd have to think about that simply because it's so damn ugly.

That was't in our plans, but if you feel it's a good idea, we have no problem with it. We will happily ensure it survives online, or in private.

>Everything but the files (all information, except search indexes I suppose) is already available on the crawlable pages of swfchan btw so they could be archived today by the wayback machine's spider bot. I understand you're probably asking because of the flash files though.

It's not just the flash files! I've been an /f/ goer for years now and took my time to explore your site in full. I've come to appreciate it, from the impromptu /f/ scrapper, to the resources list and the boards. It's good to know that people take their time with this little, obscure niche culture that not only surprisingly old but easily forgotten. Hell your archived threads go fas far back as 2008, only the /a/ archive goes as far back.

Well, so where both and chanarchive, and one died and the other flat out disappeared. The latter's death practically erased most of the minor board's history (and funnily, /b/'s). Then archive moe happened, and some people are wary of it happening again.

>>Liaison  19mar2016(sa)20:37  No.30535  OP  P6
Anton requested me to post this:

Hey there, it's Antonizoon from the Bibliotheca Anonoma. Great to know that your website is still alive and won't be going anywhere anytime soon, because we also work to make sure websites are healthy and to support the archivers. We thank you for your service.

Understandably, you might prefer that the data remains private while SWFChan is still active. Let me introduce an archival option which will work for you:

* Private archival in LTO4 Tapes - I am in possession of an LTO4 Tape Backup system that stores 800GBs of data in a $15 tape. This way, you won't have to pay for stuff like Google Nearline or Amazon Glacier. These tapes will be private backups that go on the shelf, and have contingency copies in two locations. We can help you store Terabytes of data for free, piece by piece, and it will not be released publicly until you believe it is time. And whenever you need to recover from data loss, you can rely on us to push it back to you.

Private LTO4 Tape archival is what we do for, because no, they're not dead, and yes, they're still archiving (Futabilly is just not ready for public use). Having an external, reliable, free backup service helps out because months ago, the entire fuuka database was inadvertently deleted (no data loss, all the threads were already transferred to Futabilly).

This way, if anything happens again, there is a reliable third party to give them a helping hand.

Bottom line is, we want to donate our time and resources to make sure that 4chan's history and culture is defined by it's own users, not by external or noncontemporary forces. We hope to work with you to safeguard our legacy.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  21mar2016(mo)14:41  No.30612  SWF  P7R5
Never realized was so open that anyone could use it, amazing that it hasn't come up more over the years.

Thanks for the kind words and for offering to backup stuff, I do appreciate it. I'm sure you're all good people but right now I have to respectfully decline the offer. I have my own backups in place so there shouldn't be any risk of substantial data loss anytime soon.

Hopefully this isn't too disappointing. At least know that as long as I don't suddenly die swfchan will stay up. If things change I now know you guys exist and what you can offer, it's comforting to know that there is somwehere to put the site now if I ever want to quit.

>>Anonymous  28mar2016(mo)09:00  No.30874  OP  P8R6
We understand. The good thing is that you now know where to fall back is anything happens.

If you use IRC, you should add #bibanon to autojoin so we can contact each other with ease. I don't really know any other way to contact you beyond this board.

Been trying to post this for days! Those still uploading errors didn't let me

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  29mar2016(tu)13:18  No.30919  SWF  P9R7
Yeah, I prefer to only be reachable via this board. I've got an e-mail set up too but I never check it.

>Been trying to post this for days! Those still uploading errors didn't let me
Didn't realize it was that serious, going to have a look at the source code of the receiver.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  29mar2016(tu)16:50  No.30927  SWF  P10
There we go

I didn't have access to the source code for the old receiver right now so I wrote a new one from scratch. It's probably for the best, this one should work a lot better than the old one. Put a very basic spam filter in there as well.

Maybe the board will see more posts per day now that the post receiver isn't as broken?
Created: 17/3 -2016 04:12:10 Last modified: 18/10 -2024 03:55:30 Server time: 18/10 -2024 04:07:09