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>>Warrior Soul  8may2016(su)03:08  No.32697  OP  P1
Getting that New comp tomorrow...

got an extremley lucky break and my family decided to build me a comp for my birthday

if you've got any ideas for me, post them there.

>>Anonymous  8may2016(su)03:55  No.32699  A  P2R1
My advice is to have a look at and use that to put together the computer. You didn't even let us know what budget you have or what you intend to use the computer for.
>>Warrior Soul  8may2016(su)05:39  No.32700  OP  P3R2

right, right sorry. New to this whole thing.

I'm a SFM animator learning the ropes. my family is building it for me. My uncle is an IT tech and he is building a powerful animation rig to help get me started in my career. (They don't know that right now my "career" is a shitty sfm porn and posting it to tumblr)

good news is I'm also getting a loan from a party which will remain unamed to help me in my educational pursuits. I'm going to be getting a certificate or an associates in 3d Modelling/animation/computer engineering or something like that They've even been kind enough to offer to build me a rig for my animation needs. I told them about my family building one for me and they said that they will help me with better, higher end parts if the one that my family builds for me isn't up to speed.

I'm looking at about 1-2,000$ I can invest. It will have to be something powerful enough to animate and render in a reasonable amount of time. I don't have any knowledge about optimization because I've been a poorfag until now running on a shitty 2009 laptop. so pls excuse my ignorance.

anyways, when I said suggestions, I meant suggestions for more SFM smut scenes, but any suggestions specs or otherwise would be appreciated.

>>Anonymous  8may2016(su)06:05  No.32702  A  P4R3
Oh shit, I just realized this means we'll finally get rid of that annoying white line. Aww yisss!

I can't give you too much advice myself, other than to look at the URL previously provided. As far as I know that site is made by people from /g/ on 4chan to help bros that don't know much about hardware to get a good computer for their money.

You probably don't have to spend the full 2k bucks if you don't want a good gaming computer. CPU is (as far I know) more important than GPU if you are going to be rendering stuff and want to do it fast. Aim for 4 cores or maybe even 8, rendering usually make good use of multi-cored CPUs.

Get a huge Hard Disk Drive for all those temp video files in lossless quality and a smaller Solid State Drive for the operating system and programs. You don't want to run out of space or have to delete a bunch of your work.

Get a lot of RAM too, 16 GiB at least, because it's pretty cheap nowadays and I bet video editing programs can use of all of it. Most of the time you can get away with buying a cheap chassi for your PC. Powerful on the inside, ugly on the outside, don't pay extra for "cool lights" and stuff. An expensive chassi adds nothing to the power of the thing, as long as it has room for the motherboard and has an on switch it's fine.

I haven't built a PC for a couple of years now, bought a gaming laptop for about 2250 USD three years ago and haven't really needed to upgrade since then. I thought I would get a new rig this year but Oculus Rift turned out too expensive so I'm probably waiting at least another year before getting a new computer.

>>Anonymous  8may2016(su)06:11  No.32703  A  P5
Also don't get an AMD processor, get an Intel. AMD's current architecture (codenamed Bulldozer) failed greatly and can't really compete with Intel at all. It eats electricity when under heavy loads. AMD is releasing a new architecture at the end of this year and I pray that they get it right this time because if they don't it will mean that Intel gets a monopoly since AMD will be gone. The brand will probably live on, bought by some other company, but they won't be any threat to Intel any more so they can do whatever they want with their prices.
>>Warrior Soul  8may2016(su)06:57  No.32704  OP  P6R4

ha yeah I will be glad to see it go. as far as the chassi is concerned I'm not too worried about what it looks like, just as long as it does what it needs to do. My biggest issues I've had so far on this toaster im using (2009 Dell gaming laptop) have been the file storage. I have like 280 GB of space but it only has a dual core processor, (2.6) and it takes forever to move the large quantities of files. thanks for the advice I'll keep it in mind.

what about NVIDIA for the graphics though, are all the overheating memes true?

>>Anonymous  8may2016(su)12:44  No.32708  A  P7R5
>what about NVIDIA
I can't help you with that, haven't built anything for quite some time now so I don't know details about those things.
>>Anonymous  8may2016(su)18:10  No.32717  OP  P8R6

ok they just brought it over.

Here are my specs, let me know if i need to find anything else that you guys need to see.

Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4650

8 GB of RAM

2 1 TB hard drives.

CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470 CPU @ 3.20GHz

Microsoft Windows 7 Professional Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit

>>Warrior Soul  8may2016(su)18:18  No.32718  OP  P9

theres 4 slots that I can put RAM in. 32 GB max. (sure I don't need that much)

>>Anonymous  8may2016(su)22:59  No.32733  A  P10R7
Nice, congrats! Nice choice with Windows 7, I don't trust Windows 10.
>>Warrior Soul  9may2016(mo)05:14  No.32746  OP  P11R8

Ty yeah windows 10 is horrible lol.

was reading up on the ins and outs of animation software today, and apparently SFM doesn't use Cuda rendering, meaning it relies more on CPU (or is it gpu) during the rendering. I'll have to read over it again, but it seems like from here the main upgrades i will need to make are to my cpu speed and to my graphics chip.

>>Anonymous  9may2016(mo)08:21  No.32748  B  P12R9
Happy for you WS! Been watching you silently since your first post. That shitty citizen handjob.

Looking forward to more content from you with more fem civs!

>>Warrior Soul  9may2016(mo)09:18  No.32750  OP  P13R10

well I just did a quick test render and there is no more white line, I can also use more than one light and have a lot faster rendering time. The bad news is even though I was able to transfer the DMX files I didn't transfer the character/model/map files because it would take too long. so I will have to rebuild some of them from the ground up. luckily 9/10 of the characters I used are default characters so most of the animations don't have to be rebuilt.
Created: 8/5 -2016 03:08:12 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:40 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:26:29