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>>Anonymous  12may2016(th)16:45  No.32928  OP  P1
Loading problems

So I'm having an issue with the site loading at anywhere from 55.5 kbps and 4k+kbps before it stops completely. Any attempts to refresh result in nothing, as well as cache clearing and web restart. this has been going on forquite some time, is there an article about this?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12may2016(th)21:07  No.32937  SWF  P2R1
Web pages or flash files? On what domain, .com/.org/.net?

If a flash file on .com, could you check if it's pulled from files1, files2 or files3?

>>Anonymous  13may2016(fr)16:18  No.32990  OP  P3R2
.net flashes, it happens often, ranging from fash sizes of 2Mb and higher. There seems to be no set flash types that it happens on.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  13may2016(fr)16:31  No.32991  SWF  P4R3
.net doesn't serve any flashes though, I assume you mean .com. The next time you get bad download speed: after the download has finished (if it does), hover over the [SAVE] link and check if it says files1, files2 or files3. I'm not sure if I can actually do anything about the problem but then we'll know if you're getting slow speeds from the main server, the rented extra server or from CloudFlare.
>>Anonymous  20may2016(fr)23:15  No.33330  OP  P5R4
After a couple of days playing around with it, I noticed that files2&3 are mainly where it comes from. in the last day though, nothing has hung in loading limbo though, one was kinda slow lo load but never stopped.
Created: 12/5 -2016 16:45:15 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:02:58 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:14:02