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>>Anonymous  10jun2016(fr)10:00  No.34276  OP  P1
looking for a game i think was posted here >6 months ago

all i really remember about the game is that there was a scene where a weird fog thing fucks some girl and then the dog is killed by... something? i think the game had an isometric perspective to it and maybe something to do with like cyan yellow magenta and black inks. i remember i started playing to fap but got kind of engrossed in it for like a night. anyone know what i'm talking about?

>>Anonymous  10jun2016(fr)10:18  No.34277  A  P2R1
sounds trippy
>>Anonymous  11jun2016(sa)07:22  No.34312  B  P3R2
Yeah I know that game. it's called: "Pepe's Anal Adventure".
>>Anonymous  12jun2016(su)11:44  No.34354  OP  P4R3
whoops i meant DOG thing not fog thing lmao

ahh of course thank you

>>Anonymous  12jun2016(su)12:06  No.34355  OP  P5
found it; hikki by onehandgames
>>Anonymous  14jun2016(tu)13:07  No.34424  C  P6R4
Fuck, OP, I didn't come to that conclusion from your description! And I played that.
If you gave more on the gameplay (that hand minigame) or characters (she's a shut-in), I probably would have got it.
>>Anonymous  14jun2016(tu)13:09  No.34425  A  P7R5
link to it in the archive please
>>Anonymous  17jun2016(fr)11:12  No.34500  C  P8R6
>Go to input at top
>type "hikki onehand" HG_04Hikki%5D+%28Full%29.swf
You already are on swfchan, Anon! Lazyness at max.
Also: Onehandgames are trippy as fuck.
>>Anonymous  28oct2016(fr)13:14  No.40506  D  P9R7
It was just a demo.

Need to tell ya, it was just a demo version. if you need and of course you do, you need to buy them (this+rest others) at
Sorry guys, but I was interupted by.

>>Anonymous  28oct2016(fr)13:19  No.40508  D  P10
I found out, these demos were posted on Newgrounds. swfchan took those all for archiving purpose. You can also purchase all the games at for $12.
No, I don't want to promote this. but I need to precaution all you before that you've been long gone in progress.
Believe it or not, there will be a naughties out there.
>>Anonymous  18nov2016(fr)01:03  No.41238  C  P11R8
RIP onehandgames ;__;7
Created: 10/6 -2016 10:00:00 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:09 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:23:41