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>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  11jul2016(mo)12:46  No.35375  SWF  P1
More threads per page

I just changed the number of threads per page on the overview list from 50 to 200 and from 30 to 200 on /show/, /fap/, /gg/ and /swf/. What do you think? I figured this will make people more likely to discuss older flashes since they might not feel as old anymore (they are on the first page after all) and it helps to discover them to begin with since most people don't even contemplate traversing that dark abyss we call the second page.

>>Anonymous  29jul2016(fr)08:46  No.37087  A  P2R1
Honestly I'm not sure. It certainly takes more time to view a whole page.

I do feel like having a single page like on /f/ is the way to go with posting flash content. The advantage /f/ has is that you can see everything on the board in one screen without having to scroll or change pages; here instead of people not contemplating about going to the second page, they just won't think about scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page, I know I don't when I visit now-a-days.

In effect it made people with taller screens see more and that's about it. They still won't discuss content they have no interest in, however they might see content they like which they could have otherwise missed.

The problem you're trying to fix is that

1: your boards either don't get very much traffic or almost everyone lurks. The amount of replies I see on each flash reminds me of how it was a few years ago on /f/, where maybe they'd get 1 and sometimes even 4, and once in a long while there's a flash that gets 100's of replies. I think there isn't enough people on your boards since it is overshadowed by the rest of swfchan.

2: People don't want to discuss flashes they have no interest in. Someone may post something, but nobody will comment about it.

I have an idea that you might want to implement, which I don't think has been tried on any board before.

Keep the one-page idea and on boards that post flashes and simply display the threads in random order. That way the user might find something they wouldn't have seen otherwise and potentially could have them scroll to the bottom, if what they are looking for is not at the top. Since your boards use a health system for deletion of threads, the bump order doesn't have to be consistent for all users.

I'm not actually sure if that would be too resource intensive or if you could have the randomization done clientside somehow -- I know next to nothing about making a webpage.

P.S. I just saw the hovertext for the email field, is that enforced or is it just a tip for privacy?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  29jul2016(fr)16:35  No.37095  SWF  P3R2
Appreciate the feedback! I'm trying out random thread order right now on the overview page. I think it'll remain normal on the actual boards though. Kinda feeling already that random thread order is a bit annoying so I added a link to go back to the normal order. Might make normal the default later but still keep random order as an option but for now let's see if having random order does any difference.

>reminds me of how it was a few years ago on /f/
That's modest, to me it feels like still isn't half as active as /f/ was ten years ago! I'm pretty happy that people have started using the board as of late though so no complaints here.

>hovertext for the email field, is that enforced or is it just a tip for privacy?
It's a trap for the many spam bots that crawl the Internet, they always put an e-mail address into any mail field they encounter so the system just needs to refuse any post with @ in the mail field and the spam won't take any additional resources from the server. So yes it's enforced but the increased privacy is a bonus to the spam filter.

>>Anonymous  29jul2016(fr)17:43  No.37096  A  P4R3
>That's modest, to me it feels like still isn't half as active as /f/ was ten years ago!
Well I wasn't around on /f/ then, so I can't compare. Sure in OP posts /f/ is phenomenally more active than here, but the reply count seems similar to an older /f/.

>Kinda feeling already that random thread order is a bit annoying
I guess on the overview you might wade through content which you don't even want to see, like many of the 'spam' threads on disc. I still like it, but I agree that it probably shouldn't be default, maybe an option for both on other boards would be good.

I don't know if you can but maybe you could track how many times each button is pressed and compare that to the number of people who visit the boards to see how often it's used.

I was wondering how you achieved it, probably a random order on the server and it would make a new random order every day or something?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  30jul2016(sa)07:09  No.37106  SWF  P5R4
>on the overview you might wade through content which you don't even want to see, like many of the 'spam' threads on disc
Took that into account, only the flash threads are randomized. All threads on /disc/ and /res/ have their normal positions in the list.

>maybe you could track how many times each button is pressed
I could but I don't reckon its worth the trouble to set it up. I know analytics are popular these days for everything but meh.

>I was wondering how you achieved it
The front page is rebuilt every time someone makes a post, so the random order stays the same while .org is idle. First the normal front index pages are built as usual and then all the flash threads are swapped around and the random index pages are built.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  26jan2020(su)23:41  No.74425  SWF  P6
New overview page

Threads are now always listed in the correct order. Instead of there being both a random and normal list there's now a section below the one and only list with a couple of random threads.

The recommendations from the main archive that used to be shown on the .net front page have been merged into the bottom of the overview page. Until further notice the .net front page simply redirects to the overview page.

Random threads and recommendations do not show up on page 2+ of the overview. It's now also possible to access the boards quickly by typing for example in your browser's address bar and you'll be redirected to the correct URL.

>>A  28jan2020(tu)03:52  No.74453  B  P7R5
So did anyone else enjoy the random overview page when it was at the top? I know when it was on I saw quite a few threads that I had forgotten about or missed.

Maybe this will give recommendations more visibility. I barely looked at them regularly before.

>>Anonymous  29jan2020(we)12:54  No.74467  C  P8R6
idk, they function basically the same as the random page
also, I didn't mind random order, but it was kinda nuisance to always have to click normal oder (or use a bookmark)
this way recommendations maybe start to have a meaning again, as probably a lot more anons will see them at the bottom rather than the .net, good move imo
Created: 11/7 -2016 12:46:57 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:04 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:08:05