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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

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>>Anonymous  19jul2016(tu)04:19  No.35719  OP  P1
I can't see the captchas

So this may be a dumb question but I cannot find an answer anywhere, for the past couple of weeks I have not been able to see captchas to enter so I cannot view any of the flash's. I have adblocker disabled and have tried running the site on Firefox and Chrome and nothing is working, what's the problem with this?

>>Anonymous  19jul2016(tu)15:36  No.35731  A  P2R1
Is there a free space where the captcha should be?
In that case it's your slow internet. For some reason the captcha is the very last thing getting loaded.
>>Anonymous  20jul2016(we)00:48  No.35753  OP  P3R2
I give it time to load and everything, I cannot see captcha's at all.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  20jul2016(we)16:15  No.35776  SWF  P4R3
Right-click on the page with the GET FILE button and select "view page source" (or similar). Search for "/captcha/". Did you find a URL ending with .gif? Post it here please.
>>Anonymous  20jul2016(we)17:10  No.35780  OP  P5R4

I hope this is the correct thing.

>>Anonymous  20jul2016(we)23:53  No.35790  C  P6
One can only suppose it's the "/ad/" part of the url.

Some firewall or external proxy in your network is blocking it.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  21jul2016(th)01:26  No.35793  SWF  P7R5
Everything except the image loads on that page for me.

Don't post a screenshot, I need you to copy the URL from the HTML source and post it here. That way I can check if it exists on the server in the first place, which is the first step towards fixing the problem.

>>Anonymous  21jul2016(th)04:32  No.35796  OP  P8R6
My apologies on misunderstanding. Hope this is the right link 79e1b475654fb629bb417627f40d805299a9cac0257f13c769 77d7147d92bbf38e92e6bbcf87a0583f2570c8ad84a4d2ddc1 e9eab65537a3c6e83.gif

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  22jul2016(fr)22:48  No.35848  SWF  P9R7
Press F5 on a page with the GET FILE button and see if the captcha image appears this time. There's a chance your browser was displaying the image as just a pixel for some reason, added some more stuff that should set its width/height in stone.

Can you see the .gif if you click that link that you've posted? It should say "OHK3".

>>Anonymous  23jul2016(sa)04:13  No.35864  OP  P10R8
Negative, still nothing and I can't see anything clicking on the link or pressing F5
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  24jul2016(su)03:34  No.35894  SWF  P11R9
Can you see the images through this URL?

If not I bet you can see it through this URL, correct?


Does anyone of those work for you? Banana/orange/melon?

>>Anonymous  25jul2016(mo)03:11  No.35921  OP  P12R10
Second and third link yes, first one no.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  25jul2016(mo)23:43  No.35937  SWF  P13R11
It should work now

The issue was probably the /ad/ in the URL after all, even if you seemingly had turned off the adblocker (maybe it was off for but not The captcha path has been remade now so /ad/ should no longer be a random possibility. Bit of an oversight by me to not design around the fact that many adblockers just assumes that anything with "/ad/" in it is an advertisement. There's probably a lot of people that have just thought the site was broken when they couldn't see the captcha when in reality it was just blocked.

>>Anonymous  26jul2016(tu)05:18  No.35952  OP  P14R12
Oh dear god yes it finally works, thanks so much! I have a lot of flash's to catch up on now heh.
>>Anonymous  27jul2016(we)17:08  No.37017  D  P15R13
That's what you get with tons of people using ad/ or scriptblocker by default and not knowing how to operate them in the first place.

Don't make your Adblocker problems the hassle of site admins, you people!
Stay fresh, stay salty!
But then again OP probably was just surfing on his work PC and business networks often times block shit by default for obvious reasons.
Created: 19/7 -2016 04:19:09 Last modified: 18/10 -2024 03:54:49 Server time: 18/10 -2024 04:15:43