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>>Anonymous  11aug2016(th)07:59  No.37524  OP  P1
Reply count to thread sorting and or search possability

I was in and thought that it was interesting to see a triple digit reply thread, there hasn't been one in a long while as far as I remember. I was trying to remember the larger ones of 300+ replies, but I couldn't pin a flash to them.

As always there are so many things on the long list that makes up swfchan.

I have some ideas about how it could work, but I don't know how difficult or even how useful people would find it ultimately.

Firstly it would probably be good to add a sorting method in the regular search that sorts by the largest thread of each flash.

Secondly adding a search option for a range (such as between, less than or greater than) or a specific number of replies might be cool, returning the flashes that fall in such a range. Some of the more common numbers such as 0 replies might be useless since it would return more than the search would allow, but useful for outliers.

That's all I can think of for now.

As data accumulates the amount you have becomes more and more irrelevant and accessing the important and pertinent information becomes a more complex puzzle.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12aug2016(fr)16:48  No.37573  SWF  P2R1
It might be interesting for sure but I'm not so sure of how useful it would be. The way I see it the flashes with the most value are the ones posted more often, and it's already possible to sort search results by thread count. Most long threads usually have a lot of filler text as well, such as "posting in long thread" or "can we make it to 200?". Some threads have an incorrect reply number as well (due to 4chan changing its HTML). So I don't think it's worth changing the database and putting together the SQL needed for the sorting query, even if it might find rare flashes (meaning those with low thread count) that still spawned a lot of discussion.
>>Anonymous  12aug2016(fr)17:34  No.37574  OP  P3R2
Darn, well I guess it wouldn't be terribly useful.

Would it be terribly difficult to do something with the "end of preview" threads?

Maybe you could add it as an option to the thread search, so only threads which go past the preview display.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12aug2016(fr)18:24  No.37578  SWF  P4R3
Haha, funny you'd say that because right after I posted >>37573 I thought to myself "hm, wasn't there an entry in the .net search database for post count in threads". There was and it was even already indexed so I went ahead and added a post count limit feature to .net searching.

Here's an example that will find large threads with 200+ replies: 9

>>Anonymous  12aug2016(fr)19:40  No.37581  OP  P5R4

That's pretty useful, since the .net search is rather limited at the moment, at least with only being able to display 150 threads at a time.

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  12aug2016(fr)19:55  No.37583  SWF  P6R5
Yeah I'm pretty happy with this addition, thanks for suggesting the concept!
>>Anonymous  12aug2016(fr)20:43  No.37584  OP  P7R6
Oh there was one more thing I was reminded about from >>37573 is the threads that have broken html.

Is it possible to search for threads that are broken?

Taking for example, you can find the "Unrecognized format, preview unavailable" text with ctrl+f but since there isn't a preview, won't get anything out of those threads right?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  13aug2016(sa)04:05  No.37601  SWF  P8R7
Had to look it up because it was so long ago I made that system now, unfortunately they are not searchable. I have a feeling I should be able to make them searchable anyway though if I spent some time on it but there must have been a good reason why they aren't. Probably filled the database with too much junk at the time, maybe wouldn't be as much of an issue today. There shouldn't be that many threads around that aren't searchable though, I've usually picked up on 4chan's HTML changes within a week or so after they happen.
>>Anonymous  13aug2016(sa)19:57  No.37623  B  P9R8
>300+ replies
How about the HKeyGirl5.swf release?
Apart from that it was mostly spammers in times of no captcha as stated in >>37573
Still a nice addon. Because that's the most important feature of swfchan. A solid search function.
Created: 11/8 -2016 07:59:56 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:09 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:24:35