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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

Required text body length: 2 characters. Maximum: 15000 characters.
A file is optional.

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>>Anonymous  28oct2016(fr)02:55  No.40491  OP  P1
Posting problems

I tried uploading a flash to swf and I got this message after a while
>Post not displayed:
>Could not process your post.

Why would this happen?

>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  28oct2016(fr)14:44  No.40509  SWF  P2R1
That message just means that the system tried to process the flash three times but failed all three times for unspecified reasons. The swf has already been purged from the server but if you try to post it again I could have a look at it after it fails once more (have changed the time to purge from 1.5 hours to 4 days).

Edit: I changed time to purge again to 24 hours on 4nov2016, just for the record. There's so many spam threads that accumulate in four days (by bots that can't solve captcha).

>>Anonymous  28oct2016(fr)18:51  No.40516  OP  P3R2
Alright, I posted it again.
>>!///SWFAnts  #ADMIN#  29oct2016(sa)03:32  No.40532  SWF  P4R3
Looks like the 24.8 MiB file uploaded just fine and it can be screenshotted (which is usually the problem). It apparently contains 11888 shapes and 21213 images though, might just simply take too long to fully process before the code times out. Sorry but right now I can't see what the problem is and I'd like to avoid increasing the work timeout since the current 90*3 seconds is pretty long already for others to wait in queue before their post gets through. (I know that I need to replace the post-queue system someday.)

I added your flash to the archive though: swf

Edit: On second thought, increased the timeout to 180 sec on the third try. Screenshot attempts are skipped on the third try so most flashes that have failed two times will instantly work on the third try anyway and this longer timeout will hopefully make sure that even the heaviest of flashes will be uploadable.

>>Anonymous  31oct2016(mo)04:28  No.40577  OP  P5R4
Okay cool. There was probably a better way of uploading the content, since I'm using some tool that converts pdfs to flash and I guess it turned each letter/word into a shape. At least it tested the limits and improved some portion of your system.
Created: 28/10 -2016 02:55:08 Last modified: 12/3 -2025 11:03:04 Server time: 12/03 -2025 11:18:13